11) Sonfinite: A Trap

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PoV: Sonic

"Inifite!" I ran off to into the base, I needed to get to the west wing.

--- Earlier---

"Sonic," Infinite appeared from the room Gadget just ran into, "your friend just ran into a wonderful trap."

"What, let him go!" I saw gadget tied up in a cage behind him, "Gadget!"

"Sonic don't come any closer! It's a trap!" He shouted.

"No Gad-" the door slammed in front of me. They were gone.

"If you want your little friend back, met in the west wing tomorrow."

--- Present ---

"Infinite!" I shouted the second I busted into the west wing. I saw nothing but darkness through the door.

"So nice to see you again Sonic," That was infinite voice. He appeared in front of me as the lights were turned on.

"Where's Gadget?" I growled.

"Right here," the cage Gadget was in rose from the ground behind him.

"Gadget!" I kicked apart the lock on the cage and untied him, "you okay? Gadget?" He dispersed in my own hands. An illusion, "Where's the real Gadget?!" The cage door slammed shut, "Hey!"

"Right were you left him at the entrance. I never had him in the first place. You were searching for an illusion," I banged on the bars of the cage, trying to break them, "Now you're my pet."

"Your what?!" I pulled on one bar, trying to bend the metal, "I'm no one's p-"

Hand over my mouth, and those pinning me arm held me against the cold metal floor.

"Why don't you stay quiet for a change," a metal pole warped and wrapped itself around my mouth. I used my free hand to try and pull at it it was letting go, "That's a good boy."

I felt another bar of the cage wrap around my pinned wrist. Why was he leaving one of my hands free? I kicked him but he wants phased. What the hell is with this guy?! Let me go!

"Mmpf! Mmnnn!" I struggled but he wasn't letting go.

"Now then, how about I start showing you your new role as my pet," his hand ran along my thigh and I froze, you're kidding, he's not doing this. "Something wrong? We're just getting to the fun part."

Something is wrong with your head that's what!

"Lets start with," his hand ran over the small of my back, it shouldn't have but it sent shivers up my back, "just a little of this."

Stop stop stop. I don't want to do this!

"Move over to," I felt his hand over my tail.

Hey don't touch there!

"And now."

"(FUCK!)" I felt something ram into my body, hard and fast.

"This is the most important part hedgehog," his nails dig into my hips and back.

I couldn't push him off me. It hurt so much. I didn't even have to ignore how my nails were digging into the palm of my hand from clenching my fist, that pain was nothing compare to what Infinite had rammed into me.

PoV: 3rd Person

Sonic only felt pain from Infinite's rough treatment. Only now did Sonic realize it was the real thing that Infinite had entered him with. Infinite never bothered with waiting for the azure trapped under him to adjust, he immediately began thrusting into Sonic with no mercy. Muffled screams and curses were ignore by black furred ears. A gloved palm now bleeding from the nails that cut do to such a tight grip to try and handle the pain. Sonic desperately trying to cry out as he left his lower back lifted from the ground, already painful thrusts becoming more powerful with the adjustment in position.

Soft fleshy walls becoming torn from the hard poundings of a mussle too large for that entrance. Infinite's hard member continued ramming the azure's behind as the metal began to quietly warp once more, latching onto his only free hand. Sonic quickly found his hands were pinned behind his back by a solid block of iron around his wrists. The metal also kept his back arch upwards, letting Infinite aim deeper into his flexible captive.

"(Aah~!)" A muffled moan sounded from behind metal restraints. That ment Infinite found the spot that could make Sonic enjoy himself or continue feeling intense pain, "(Aa~!)" Infinite chose pleasure.

"Enjoying yourself now?" Sonic only glared, though it lasts a second before his prostate was pierced again, "Very well."

Muffled moans because louder and louder. Peach lips were released from a warping metal pole. The pole reduced and reshaped into a slim collar around Sonic's neck. A tag in the shape of the heart appeared. Engraved on the front was, Property if Infinite, on the back it read, Those who touch him without permission will die.

Along with the tag was a bell; a bell that jingled constantly with the endless bouncing from Sonic's body as Infinite never ceased his thrusts.

"Nayh~Aa~haa~!" Sonic's moans began echoing the room infinite had taken control of.

An azure leg was lifted over a noir arm, allowing the dominate more spaced to penetrate his captive. A knot formed in a noir abdomen as the jackle's member pounded tight walls. The amount of pleasurable pain in the azure's body was making his own knot unbearable.

"W-wait... no!" Sonic cried as he felt a hand around his shaft, "aah~♡!"

He could hardly take the sex, now being jacked off at the same time Sonic was doomed to release at any moment. Infinite felt the extremely tight walls around him contract, sending himself more pleasure as Sonic came over both of them.

It take much longer for Infinite to cum. Chills creeped up Sonic's body as a sudden warm fluid not only filled him, but poured out of him in a swirled mixture of blood and seamen.

"You... asshole," Sonic panted as he was picked up by his abuser.

"You're the pet," Infinite stated as he walked away with the captured hero in his arms, "expect to do you job again."

"I hate you."


Totally wasn't waiting for this ship to be recommended. *I totally was*

Anyway I hope you guys like it and see you for the next one shot.

Bye bye ~ 😙

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