25) SonBig: Lonely?

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PoV: Sonic

I ran around on a nice afternoon run. Stopping to stretch I saw Big at the edge of the lake, but... he wasn't fishing. He was always fishing. I walked over to him all I heard was a long sigh.

"Big? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Froggy left. He left with another Frog," he sighed.

"Well, that's perfectly natural. It's spring, Froggy will be back soon, he might even have some eggs. Maybe we can do something to cheer you up. Is there anything you want to do right now?" I asked as I tried thinking of something.

"I like holding froggy," he answered.

"Anything else?"

"Can I hold you like Froggy?" He asked.

"Oh I don't know..." he gave me the puppy eye look, "okay..."

He picked me up and practicly crushed me in a death hug, I think he might be worse than Amy. He just had me in his arms for a while. I gave up on trying to move, he'd tighten his grip every time I tried moving.

"Hmm..." my ears perked up on hearing him, "you're ears are little."

"Well I'm not exactly the biggest hedgehog out there," I answered.

"You're fur is a little dirty. Do you want a bath?" He was messing with my quills.

"I'll take one when I get ho~m!" I felt something wet and scratchy slip up my back, "W-Wait Big, w-what are you doing?"

"I'm giving you a bath," I felt that same feeling again, wait how do cats- he's licking me?!

"B-big I can take a bath at home aa!" I felt his tongue on my tail. I tried to move away but he tightened his grip again.

I covered my mouth to try and keep control of myself. I had to find a way out of this.

"I can get you nice and clean. Cats give the best baths without water," he stated.

"For once I think I prefer the water," I felt it slip up my side, "Mmhm!"

"You make nice noises," he said.

"What? Aa!" I covered my mouth, I hadn't ment to moan out loud.

I didn't even know I could... it was completely embarrassing. I felt him move me and start licking my stomach.
PoV: 3rd Person

Sonic found himself struggling constantly to suppress moans of pleasure. That only made the large feline holding him curious. Big's scratchy tongue slowly ran up Sonic's inner thighs, sending a large shiver up the azure's spine. Feeling his tension as a reaction made the cat only more interested in the small hedgie in his arms.

Noticing the slight changes in sensitivity, Big began moving closer and closer to the azure's lower region.

"Aaha~♡!" Sonic covered his mouth as soon as he heard himself, and embarrassing reaction to a large tongue grazing his entrance.

Sonic found himself unable to kick away as the scratchy tongue licked up his body. Tracing the tip of his tail to it's base, the between the base of his legs and up to his lower abdomen. Purple furred ears found the sounds escaping peach lips quiet enjoyable.

"B-big? W-what are you, AAH♡!" Sonic moaned before he could finish speaking.

"Are you always like this in spring?" He asked.

"Mm~ D-don't tell..." Sonic whispered, not wanting anyone to know how easily effect he was by touch.

The violet males instinct began kicking in, slowly guiding him on what to do next. He opened Sonic legs, making the azure squeak. He licked Sonic's tail, not realizing that he was lubricating the azure entrance.

"Your really warm," Big stated, licking Sonic's stomach again.

"B-big wait, AAH♡!" Sonic shouted as he felt something enter his body.

Curiosity left Big to fell the temperature within Sonic, a finger moved around inside him. Taking in the soft feeling, and warm heat with in the small hedgie.

No way... He's so much bigger than I am... how does he fit? Sonic thought as he caught a glimpse of the large shaft below him.

" AAAAHHAA~♡♡♡! " Sonic shouted as he was lowered onto the shaft below him.

"You make lots of noise," Big stated, rubbing Sonic's ear.

"... no... shit..." I should have told him slow down... this really hurts.

Sonic focused on deep breaths to keep himself calm. He was only though the tip, and knew there was more to come. He was lowered farther, the outline of Big's member was seen through Sonic stomach.

"Its wet and tight," Big pushed Sonic down further, "Is feels nice."

"Aah~" Sonic lost his ability to speak as his body was stretched, and slightly torn.

Big began bouncing Sonic on himself. Sonic didn't fight, he knew Big was lonely and had offered to help, so he focused on adjusting himself to the large muscle inside of him. It began slow, soon speeding up as Big began enjoying the feeling more and more. Sonic found it impossible to quiet himself as he was repitevily lifted and pushed down.

Sonic came just before his bouncing was speed up. A warm gush started pushing it's way into Sonic as Big released the pleasure he had been feeling. It gushed out of his entrance as Sonic body became too full.

"You look tired," Big stated as he lifted Sonic off his flacid shaft and onto his chest, "do you want a nap?"

Sonic nodded as he yawned, completely exhausted.

"Will you keep me company until Froggy's back?" He asked.

Sonic nodded once more before falling asleep. Big just kept an eye on him as he napped.

I honestly didn't know what I was doing. I'm sorry I wasn't sure how to write this one, I was completely lost on how to start it.

I hope you like it anyway?

I don't know... oh well. It just, out there now.

I'll see you for the next 7 requests I have.

See ya ~ 😁

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