83) Sonadow: Tattoo

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PoV: Sonic

"Baby," Rouge hugged me and kissed my neck as I put my book down, "I just had a great idea."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"I know this tattoo artist who'll give us a great discount," she replied, "I'll get you something cute, for my little boyfriend."

"You think were ready for a claim like that?" I held her hand.

"It doesn't even have to have my name," she held my wrist, "You could get and lock, and I'll be your key."

"That's kinda cheesy, but I like it," I replied.

"Let's go," she picked me up.

"Hahaha! Hey, put me down!" I laughed as she carried me out the door.

"No way," she kissed me, "You're my mini boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes and she flew me all the way to the tattoo shop. It was small. One waiting chair, one chair to lay in, and one guy inside.

"Shadow, I've got a favor," Rouge started talking with the black and red hedgehog while I looked at the pictures of tattoo options.

There was a lock that I liked. It was simple with a heart's for a keyhole. Rouge's clothes always heart's on them, I thought she'd like it.

"Have you picked one?" Rouge asked.

"I thought this one was pretty cute," I pointed to the lock I liked.

"You're always picking the cutest things. Shadow, this one, but color it pink," Rouge said.

"This one? It'll be at least two hours, can he handle pain?" He asked.

"He can," Rouge answered for me.

"How much pain?" I asked.

"It's done with a needle," he answered.

"Um... I think I can handle it," I said.

"Right here," Rouge turned me around and lifted my shirt, she pointed to a spot on my lower back.

"Why there?!" I said.

"No one will see it but me," she hugged me.

"Let me get everything set up," he said, "You," he pointed to me, "go sit down. I'll be with you in a minute."

He set everything up and Rouge made sure it was just how she wanted it. All that was left was geting permanently on my body.

"Sonic," she kissed me, "I just got a text from work. Some idiot account messed with the funding. I'll be back when it's done. Okay."

"Okay sure," I sat up, "You said two hours right?"

"Yes," the artist Rouge kept calling 'Shadow' replied.

"I'll be back by then," Rouge replied.

"See you," I waved as she left.

"You might want to bite this," Shadow handed me a wooden spoon, "You can keep it. I don't reuse them."

"Th-thanks..." I bit the spoon and he started working, "Mm!" It hurt a lot more than expected.

"I told you it'd hurt."

These two hours are going to be long.


PoV: Shadow

  Rouge brought in another one of her boyfriends again. Guessing from how long she had been talking about this Sonic guy, I could guess this was him. I had him topless and his body was one hell of a canvas. His fur was smooth and his skin below it was so soft. I could draw on him all day long.

  I finished the tattoo with half and out to spare, Sonic stopped whimerping after I covered his new lock tattoo.

"A-are you done?" He locked back.

   He's too much... I'm doing this.

"Not yet. There's one last thing I need to do, but I forgot it in the back," I replied, "Stay there."

"O-okay," he replied.

  I grabbed a certain item from my desk and walked back. His pants were lowered to just under his tail so I had full access to his perfectly sculpted canvas of a back.

"You sure you wouldn't like another tattoo?" I traced my finger down his back.

"N-no... I'm okay," he squirmed a little.

"Not even something with an 's'?" I teased his tail.

"N-no thanks..." he said.

"Then we'll settle the payment," I took up the tool I needed.

"I thought you needed to finish the tattoo?"

"Don't worry."

"Ah-mm! Mmph!" I strapped the gag ball I had grabbed around him and pushed him down. I kept his vest pinned to the chair and his hips at my level.

"Some ice later and you'll be fine."


PoV: 3rd Person

  Shadow thrusted his hard member into his client who had a freshly sore tattoo on his back. Sonic gripped the leather chair as he was suddenly rammed into. The gag ball kept Sonic silent as Shadow pounded his prostate. The tattoo artist pounded and bruised Sonics prostate. Pain and pleasure confused Sonic's mind and body. His body was reacting to the pounding against his prostate and his mind was reminded of the pain from his back and the stretching his entrance was getting.

"Your not only amazing to draw on... you're tight as hell too..." Shadow grunted as he thrusted into his client.

"Mm~!" Sonic let out an unintentional moan as his member suddenly throbbed.

  Shadow continued to ram Rouge's boyfriend. The azure moaned and wimmpered behind the gag. Time passed and the tattoo artist came into those gentle, silky, soft walls that squeezed him so tightly. Cum spewed onto the chair as Sonic came from unwanted stimulus.

"You're tattoo has been paid off nicely," Shadow pulled out of his client and cleaned himself up. Sonic attempted to get off the seat but found himself in pain from the sex and the tattoo.

  Shadow removed the gag ball and put Sonic on the waiting seat. He disinfected his seat and Rouge came back.

"... Rouge..." Sonic called her.

"There you are, how's the tattoo looking?" She picked up her boyfriend who winced from the raw pain.

"He's fine, just needs some ice and a few days to rest," Shadow replied.

"Thanks Shadow, how much do I owe you?"

"Nothing," Shadow replied.

"You didn't..." Rouge growled.

"Any tattoo he wants is free from me. He's one hell.of a canvas."

"I'm kicking your ass as soon as he can take care of himself," she flew off with Sonic in her arms, knowing all to well about Shadow's 'free' tattoos.


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