17) Sonaducles: Break In

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PoV: Shadow

This night was tiresome and tedious. One night with Knuckles was feeling like an eternity.

"Remind me why I'm here again?" I growled.

"Look, I thought it be nice. We just aren't ment," Knuckles groaned, "the rumor of two hot guys getting together just doesn't work."

"Hmm..." I recognized the blue streak in the distance.

"Sonic must be heading home, that gives me an idea," Knuckles got up from the stone stairs and stretch," "Come on. Let's go pay him a visit."

"Whatever, anything's more interesting than sitting here," I followed him, not really caring about his intent.


When we got to Sonic's place all the lights were off. I got us into the place. Knuckles, who had been here many times didn't seem to interest by the things around us. I took a look around as we walked to Sonic's bedroom door.

"If we can't keep things together, might as well have something cute to screw," he opened the door to where Sonic was sleeping under the moonlight from his window.

"How do we wake him?" I asked.

"Up to you," Knuckles sat down at the end of the bed.

I moved Sonic's hand from in front of his lips and gave him a kiss. His lips were softer than expected. He started shifting and I felt him start to push and kick. I pulled away and he gasped for air.

"Shadow what the heck?!" He was awake and fiesty. I pinned his arms and Kuckles began spreading his legs, "What the- Knuckles?! Hey!"

"Something wrong fuzzball?" Knuckles asked as he picked Sonic up.

"Yeah, you guys breaking into my house-" Knuckles took his kiss and Sonic kept struggling to get out of his grip, "mmmhmm!"

"You planning to hog him to yourself?" I glared and Knuckles broke their kiss.

"Never expected that from our leader. You've got just about the softest mouth of anyone," Knuckles smirked and Sonic gulped and he was sat onto my lap, "What to say Shadow, switch off? Same time? Rotate?"

"You can join if you desire, just pick a side first," I had Sonic face me as I quickly began to prep his behind.

"Aah! Stop, that hur- aa~" Knuckles placed two fingers in his mouth.

"I'll stay with this side a while longer," he started pumped his fingers in and out of Sonic's mouth as I did the same to his ass.

This night would deffiently be interesting.

PoV: Sonic

What the hell is going on? First thing I knew I was asleep, then Shadow wakes me up by kissing me?! What are they doing to me. What ever Shadow was doing felt like I was being ripped in two, Knuckles was just gagging me.

"You ready?" Knuckles asked, ready? For what?

I screamed as I suddenly felt like I was tore apart even more. The second I saw the length that had grown between Knuckles's legs I knew what had penetrated my body. Shadow was literally inside me, and Knuckles was planning to join him.

My mouth was forced open and Knuckles thrusted into me. Shadow was hurting me and I couldn't breath with Knuckles. I should have spent the night at Tails's.

PoV: Knuckles

Sonic's body was insanely soft. I should have thought of this sooner. Shadow hadn't moved since he first got in, what the hell is he doing?

"You don't like your end or something?" I asked him.

"I'm waiting for him to adjust," Shadow answered as he took Sonic's hand, "Unlike you I prefer it when my partner enjoys their time with me."

"He's a guy, just jack him off and he'll be fine," I said as I adjusted Sonic, I saw him grip Shadow's hand, what ever. It works.

PoV: 3rd Person

Sonic gripped Shadow's hand for comfort, his rear begining to adjust to the large member invading it. Knuckles who had been thrusting the entire time came directly down Sonic's throat. Sonic practicly choked from the sudden release. Knuckles released him and Shadow pulled Sonic up as he gasped for air.

"Damn, you're missing out Shadow," Knuckles lifted Sonic almost off Shadows member and placed his own besides it.

"AA!" Sonic shouted from being stretched so far.

Shadow kissed him to calm his down, relaxing him was his goal. The ecidna, gripped Sonic's arms against his waist and began bouncing him on both members. Shadow focused on aim and caressing him. The second Shadow felt Sonic relax he rammed the small hedgie's prostate.

"Aaaa~♡!" That one moan was the start of a night of pleasure for the azure. Shadow smirked and hit the same spot again, "Aaha~♡♡!"

Sonic was bounced harder and faster on both members as he continued to moan. Shadow ignored Knuckles's unrythemed bouncing of Sonic, and took the small azure's member in his hand.

"Aah~ w-wait d-don't aa! N-not b-bo~oh♡♡♡!" Sonic squirmed as he began feeling pleasure from two sides of his body.

The rough, guilty pleasure of being pounded by two members. The second pleasure of a gentle touch to his shaft as he was pinned in place. The painful stretching was blinded by the sexual sensation of two, large members ramming Sonic's sweet spot as Knuckles continued to bounce him.

The knot in Sonic's stomach released as cum sprayed onto the sheets Sonic was previously sleeping on. Shadow and Knuckles both released into Sonic, much to the point where cum practicly flowed down Sonic's legs aslt a steady pace.

A hot squishy feeling from the milky white fluid, now inside the cavern of silky walls, sent warm shivers up the azure's spine.

Knuckles laid down with Sonic trapped in his arm. Shadow waited until the echidna was completely asleep before taking the unconscious hedgie from his arms. A small smile came from tan lips as Sonic began to purr.

Shadow cleaned Sonic up before he feel asleep alongside the azure hedgie.


Ash I know my updates are slow. I have a test Wednesday so I've gotta study since its history.

History and English, my only problem classes. Sorry my life suddenly got busy.

Don't forget to give requests.

I'll litteraly do any sonic couple, just no Eggman.

And I'll do foursomes, just out of curiosity to see how that would be written. If you give me some plot it helps, other wise I'll just wing it.

See you next request.

Bye bye ~ 😙

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