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My life so far has just been fall of loss and pain. I'm not even 20 and I lost my father and had to look after my little sister Prim while my mother lied ill in bed, I've been in the hunger games and survived twice. I've became the symbol of a rebellion, fought it and won it. My whole life has just been one big fight to survivor. But now I can finally live in peace.

I'm back in 12, I live alone in the same house in Victors Village that I had before the quells. My mum moved to district  4 to work, well she tells me for work but I think it's just because can't deal without having Prim, I miss her to much.
I wake up to a knock at the door, I get out of bed and put on a rob and rush down stairs. When I open the door I see Effie standing with Haymitch arm around her waist, Effie didn't have any of her horrible Capitol make up, her hair was blond and straight. Behind them I could see a figure, then the smell of cheesy bread hits me "Peeta" I whisper. Effie and Haymitch move aside and I see him standing their holding 2 loafs of cheesy bread, he smiles just as Effie says "Me, Haymitch and Peeta are going to take a walk down the square would you like to come with us Katniss" I think about it for a second. "No I'm okay thank you, I just want a lazy day today and I didn't get much sleep last night" I pause before saying "my nightmares again" every night they wake me.
"Oh darling I can tell, you need to come over and I'll give you some make up to cover up the dark rimes around your eyes" Effie says while touching me eyes "Well okay sweetheart well see you later" Haymitch say just as he finish Peeta buts in "I'm going to stay with Katniss and have breakfast, If that's okay with you Katniss?" Peeta asks.

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