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Annie, Blue and Cinna walk onto the stage first hand in hand they look so cute together. Then Haymitch who's is in a black suit the same as Peeta's and Effie who's in a long-sleeved and a long black dress that covers her body went up. Next Johanan who's in a black blouses and trousers and David in a black suit like most of the men. Me and Peeta go up next, I'm shaking so much I grip Peeta's hand to steady myself, we take our places next to Effie and Haymitch on one side of the stage and the child's on the other the adults. Then last is Annie who is wearing a black skirt that stops before the knee and a white blouses that is covers with a black blazer, she looks so strong for a women that lost so much. The new mayor comes onto the stage, smiling a each one of us as he walks past "Welcome, people of district 12" he bellow out into the microphone. Everyone is standing as they did every year at the reaping but this time everyone was with their family's cuddling each other. Most of the children don't know what happened only that something did they begin to understand at school thou. Some of the adult were the refuges from 12 that came to 13, others came from other districts. Only one other victor remans in another district Enobaria who no one heard of since the end of the rebellion. "Today we are here to remember our terrible past" he continues "We will remember everyone of the people who lost their lives in the games, in the rebellion or anyone else as no one deceived to be forgoton, we here some sort speech from some amazing people now so welcome Peeta Mellark, victor of the 74th Hunger games and tribute in 75th Hunger games and Katniss Mellark or Katniss Everdeen also victor of 74th Hunger games, tribute of 75th Hunger games and the Mockingjay the symbol of the rebellion" he say, everyone looks at Peeta and I, some faces covered in tears and eyes puffy. Peeta take my hand and we both together walk toward the microphone, Peeta looks at me, he's pale and just shakes his head I know this means he can't do it he can't speaks so I know I'll have to."The arenas have been completely destroyed, the memorials built, there are no more hunger games" I say letting the words flow out "our children will be taught about them and their children and their children's children, but I know for myself and Peeta that the question are just beginning, how can I tell my daughter and this one in a way that will no frightening them to death." I say holding my stomach "Our children who don't know they play on a graveyard" I continue trying not to let my emotions take over me "some people think we shouldn't teach them about the it and to started with I agreed but when I think about real hard I know that we should, we can make them understand in a way that will make them braver. And maybe if enough people know then maybe just maybe nothing like this will never happen again"

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