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The other go first down the aisle. Peeta's back it turns to face the bridesmaids. "Haymitch I'm so scared everyone gonna be looking at me" I say "Katniss, your the bride, one of the biggest parts of the wedding" he smiles "come on sweetheart it's time to get married" he continues and takes my hand and we start to walk. A tradition wedding song from 12 playing me down the aisle, Peeta turns around he has a massive smile on his face I smile ball and he turns around. Me and Haymitch continue down, their not lots of people their as I didn't have many friends and other died. But that doesn't matter to me. I have everyone I love, well nearly everyone but I know that there be looking down on us smiling. I finally reach Peeta, I kiss Haymitch on the cheek and then he goes and sits down with Effie. "Welcome everyone to the married of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark" The priest starts. I'm so happy that it finally here. The priest does some speaking then comes the bit that I'm dreading "As only have a reason why these to shall not be married if so please speak now or forever hold your peace" he say, I cover my eye with my hands and wait for someone to call out but no one does. "You can open your eye now Katniss" Peeta smiles and takes my hands from my face. "Can we have the rings please" the priest say. Johanna brings over a box but it not made of fabric it's made of bread. "Oh Peeta" I say as he takes the rings out. "Repeat after me" I priest say "I give you this ring as a symbol of our love, rich or poor, in sickness in heath, as death do us apart" he continues while me and Peeta place the rings on each other's fingers and repeats the words. "Now the vows" he says, it's my turn first. I didn't know what to write so I left it for me to speak from the heart. "Peeta, I love you It toke me sometime to know I did but once I lost you then I truly knew what I felt. Being apart from you broke me in half but I knew I would do what ever it would take to get you back, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to watch are child grow, I want to grow old with you." I smile, I kiss Peeta but I know that what every I say Peeta will top he has a way with words. "Katniss, our love didn't have the best start but love always finds a way, it could take days, weeks, month, year but it always finds a way. you appear just like a dream to me, when my worlds fall apart, when there's no light in the dark, when I can't find my way home, that when I look for you. You are the best thing that I have fought for and I will always fight you, our kids, our family. Katniss you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, let's fight the darkness together" he say, I have to reply to him, I can't just leave it their. "Always" I say.

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