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"Katniss" someone shakes my arm, I open my eyes and see a Harry standing in front of me. I'm in the chair in Rye at the hospital. "Katniss" Harry says again while I wake up "yes sorry" I answer.

"I need to take you back now to pack, Peeta was really busy getting ready?" He asks me and it take me sometime to work out he is saying. The telephone call was from a friend of my mothers. She had died."When our train?" I question him, "In 2 hours" he answers then helps me out of the chair then into his car. I know that I was not close to my mother, in some ways I hated her for taking away my childhood, making me look after Prim. When dad die I feed us when she didn't move, I risked my life going into the woods everyday to do that. But she came back to us, she was my only family left after the rebellion and now she gone. And it hurts. In this life there has been so much pain and lose. When my father died I was told to forget about him, he was gone. I was so angry at this comment but in so pain that the only thing I could reply was "it's hard to forget someone that gave you so much to remember"

"Your ready?" Peeta asks me as I place the last top in my bag. I nod zipping up my suitcase, "We are meeting Haymitch and Effie at the train station" he tells me but I don't really care. All I can think about is my mum and how she will never get to see Rye and watch her grandchildren grow up but I know that she is with my father and Prim all of them waiting for me to join them.

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