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I place Willow in her high chair that Peeta brought up from the dinning to the second floor so we can watch her while we clean out Prim room. Before we start I get dressed into some old shorts as it really sunny and hot and one of Peeta old top that no long fit. We both stand outside the room the door closed tight, I want to run away scream and crying but this has to be done. "On three" Peeta says then begins to count down "1..2..3" he slowly says then twist the door handle to revel Prim's fresh yellow walls and I smell of her untouched room hits me. Peeta walk in first carry Willow In her chair, Prim room is neat and tidy with only a few school books and pencil on the floor from her homework. "Where shall we start" I ask Peeta who is bringing In boxes "well you can start with her clothes, maybe keep some special ones for Willow, of course when she gets older" he smile me then rubs my back. I nod then walk toward the wardrobe and drawers.

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