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Then Gale opens the door. He flings him arms around me "Katniss" I smiles. "Daddy invite her in" Catnip say sweetly "Yes sir"he says in a funny accent and turns around and slots Catnip who is wearing a couple of my MockingJay suit, the one I wore in the rebellion and holding a bow and arrow. I walk into Gale house, and i take a seat on the sofa, Gale comes and sits next to me. "How have you been" he asks "Great" I reply as Catnip comes out her rooms and says in a cute way "Daddy can't we play more" "Not now sweetheart I'm talking to Katniss, you remember Katniss don't you" he replys to her, "Yes, she was the MockingJay and you loved her" she says and then Gale quickly runs up to her and tiggles her "Can't Katniss play" Catnip say. Gale looks at me and so does Catnip I don't know what to say and I guess Gale can see that as he says "Not today sweetheart, go play in your room I'll be in there soon" and then Catnip walks into the room. "so what brings you to 2" he smiles "Well that what I want to talk to you about" I say " Well their 2 reasons, 1 well we on a trip to the Capitol" "Who's we" Gale interups "Me, Peeta, Effie, Haymitch, Johanna and Annie and her little baby boy Blue" i say and then continue "Because me and Peeta are getting married and we go to this wedding fair" "that's great I'm happy your happy but if your going to the Capitol why did you come here?" Gale says "Because I'm pregnant and we stopped off at a baby shop" I say quickly to get it over and done with. When I look at Gale his in shock he looks as if he going to cry.

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