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The next 6 months go so quickly, me and Peeta have been trying for a baby but it's just so hard with Peeta spending all his time on a working, he's in high demand everyone loves his bread and cakes and their being shipped all over Panem. Also Willow been up teething so she been up most nights crying and scream. Their has been so good stuff going on though, Johanna has moved to 12 and lives with David in a small house where the old seam used to be. Annie and Johanna have both got a jobs working at the school in 12, Annie teaching the history of the games and Johanna physical education. Me and Effie spends the days look after the kids, she comes over with Cinna or I go over with Willow and Blue who I look after for Annie while she works until lunch when she picks him up. I've been looking for a job but I hate leaving Willow but I hate being at home all day as well. Haymitch is working as well now for the council in 12, he's stopped drinking all together even on special occasions. Willow is grown so much, she started to walk and speaking some words like "mummy""daddy""up" and other small words, Blue has followed in her footsteps literally. The first time she walked all of us were celebrity Blue's birthdays at Annie's and they were both playing, when out of no where Willow stands up and then Blue copy's. Cinna on the other hand can't walk or talk but he is younger, he tends to just crawl into a lot of things as well.

It's was late autumn afternoon when heard the news "Were getting married, I'm engaged" Johanna smiles while holding David's hand on my doorstep "Johanna really" I say then hug her. "We're having a party in 2 days if you would like to come?" she replys "that's soon isn't it" I ask just as Willow, wobbles toward be and repeats the words "Up, up." So I do pick her up and then Davids continues "I have been planning it for ages, booked everything week before" "But how did you know" I get out before Peeta joins them on the steps "Peeta, we're engaged" Johanna tells a somewhat tried Peeta "who's crazy now" he says then continues into the house. "Well were going to tell the other, goodnight" David tells me, then walk down the stairs hand in hand while me and Willow wave. "Are you okay Peeta?" I ask Peeta who is lying on the sofa but then get back up and kiss me the says "I need some sleep, you going to be okay with her" he ask "sure" I say kissing him back and he walks up to bed. It late anyway so I feed her and put her to bed. "I love you" I smile to her. I stand in living room that a total tip when Buttercup emerges thought the door that lead out into the back garden with a Meow, he hasn't really been here much I guess he found a new family to bother. He usually visit here at night while everyone sleep, Peeta being the kind and caring person he is leave out so food and drink, I've seen him a couple of time when I've not been able to sleep and come down for some water. Of course we both still wind the other up, I hiss and him and he hiss back sometimes he annoys me so much but he's the close thing I have left of Prim who he adored and who adored her back.

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