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Peeta Pov

I put Willow back to bed, while Katniss takes a shower. "Why does mummy scream at night?" She asks me "it's a nightmare" I answer pulling the cover over her. "I hear her scream every night and you talking to her" she curls up into a ball with her teddy bear. "Do they wake you?" I ask her

"Sometimes" she answers softly "why does she have nightmares?" She continues, a this point I don't see a young Willow who still can't tie her shoes lasses but I see a grown up Willow who has so many questions. Sometime it's better for these questions to be left unanswered so I just say "Goodnight sweetheart" I kiss her forehead and exit her room.

Katniss Pov

When I wake up the smell of fresh bread hits me. I put large sweat shirts and a pair of black trousers. When I get down stairs Willow and Blue are siting on the floor playing. "Where's daddy?" I ask Willow but she is to in groused in her game to answer. As I walk toward the kitchen I hear hushed voices from outside. "Annie I know but I see the way she looks at me now. I see the pain I've coursed her, I see the way she changed because of me. Last night it broke my heart. To know mine the face that haunts her dream. It's killing me to see what I do to her." Peeta's voice speaks, I can hear the emotion in his words. Peeta has coursed me pain but he's given me more happiness in return, why couldn't everything be okay. Why. Why.

I hear the rain begin to fall onto the roof and footstep come with that, I quickly place myself next to Willow and Blue. I don't want Peeta to know about I heard him. "Oh hey" Peeta smiles, I wave my hand to say hi back. "I'm going to be redecorating your old room for Rye so do you want to pick out colours?" I ask me but I'm not able to answer as the telephone begins to ring.....

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