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I just rap my arms around my mother and she put hers around me and we both start to cry. "Katniss he did write 2 others, one for when you have a baby, another if you went into the hunger games but you'll have the other one when this one comes" she says while saying that she talks to my bump. "I didn't have a chance to give you the one from the games and when you came back I didn't think it was the write time" she says "would you like to read it" she asks.

I think about it for a little "No" I say "that part of my life gone it doesn't matter to me anymore" I reply. My mother opens her bag and inside I can see envelopes with Prim name on them. "Prim?" I ask, my mother just nods and places the games envelop back in her bag. "I'm going to head back the house, you better get back to Peeta" she says. She kisses me on the head and then I go back to Peeta. Most people have gone, "Peeta, can we go back now, I'm really tried and my stomach starting to hurt" I ask "Sure lets go" he say and we start walk hand in hand back home. "I'm so cold" I say. Peeta takes off his jacket and puts it around me "Have this" he smiles. He picks up my dress and we continue to walk home. "Let go state to bed" Peeta says. We go upstairs and he helps me get out my dress and into my night gown. We fall asleep in each other's arms.

I wake up from my nightmare but it' not because I'm scared, "Peeta, Peeta" i say while shaking him. "What the matter?" He replys

"My waters have broken" I scream

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