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I spend another half an hour in the dress just looking at myself in the mirror. "Can you help me take it off, it's hurt my stomach" I say "yeah sure" Rachel say and then she help me take it off. When I'm changed we all head to the bridesmaids section. "Do you have a colour theme" Rachel ask me "Yeah, gold and sliver" Effie says. "What are you looking for Katniss?" "I don't know, Johanna and Annie choose" I smile. "I'm going to sit down my legs are starting to hurt" I continue. They weren't but I don't think I can go one, I miss Cinna so much, why couldn't he have been here with me. After about 20 minutes Effie comes back "We have found something come and have a look" she say and help me to my feet and then guides me to the other changing rooms. "one second" she says and rushes into the changing. Annie and Johanna come out with an amazing gold dress on. Johanna has straps but the detail is the same as Annie's who is strapless. The bottom goes to the floor and the top is simple but beautiful. "Do you like them?" Annie asks "Their.. So Beautiful" I reply

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