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I slowly open the door to the wardrobe. The smell of Prim hits me right in the face, She always smelt of fresh flowers. I start to look throw the clothes when two items up out at me, her reaping clothes. I could spot them anywhere, I remember the first time I wore them was my first reaping just like Prim. That year I really thought it was going to me, I was going to get picked but little did I know what Gale older sister August was to be the one. She was 16, poor Gale his father had just died, it was his first reaping and now he was to lose his sister. I shake all memory of Gale out my head then look down to my hand wear the outfit now lay "Tuck in that tail little duck" I whisper to myself then the tears come. Peeta comes rushing over to me then he must see the clothes as he just imbrassed me into his warm chest "you okay?" he asks me it's kind of a silly question because of course I'm not I'm sitting in my dead sisters room holding what might have been her and mine death clothes. But I still reply "Yeah" he let's go and then I have the trouble of deciding wither to keep them or not. But finally I decide to keep them as a memory of her, by now I can't stand to be in this room any longer so I just put the rest of her clothes in the non keeps box. "I'm going to feed Willow" I tell Peeta, he just nods and I pick her chair and all up and take her down stairs. I get her food out the fridge and let her eat it, could I really have another baby, is it really what I want for myself. I'm happy with just a Willow but it Peeta. By then end of the day we have cleared out the hole room only leaving the furniture, he places some boxes into the loft, adds some books to our library that no one really uses and the leaves some to go to the home for children in 12. That night we both go to bed early as we are both so tried, I snuggle up to him and drift off to sleep.

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