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My legs frozen, locked to the ground. Why now, why when I can't defends myself, or even if I tried I would risk to life of my unborn baby. "Peeta please" I whimper

"You did this, you killed them" he screams "your a mutt, you did this to them, your friends, my family, everyone" he shouts even louder. Before I can think a object comes flying past me, I drop to the floor. I feel stabbing pain in my stomach "stop" I chock. I feel his hand grip around my hair and yank my head up "I want you to see their faces the people you murded" he scream so loud into my ear that it's painful. He drags me by my hair across the room over all the items that he knocked over cutting holes into my trousers then my knees, I scream out in pain but he doesn't stop. He drops me me to the floor and my stomach begins to stab even more, he pulls his hand from my head and I see stranded of hair fall to the floor. "Look, look" he shouts pointing towards the tv, I look up and see a photo of Peeta's family standing outside the old bakery frozen on the screen, he press play or the remote then throws it a me. I feel the impact of the remote across my face "why don't you just kill me now" I scream at him. He just stares into my eyes. I look at the screen face after face of people I know.. Knew, "you killed them, your a mutt, a sinking mutt" he shouts. I feel another impact across my face then I see him holding a candle stick over me then it coming down on my stomach. I scream out louder then ever before but he doesn't stop bring the stick down on my stomach then my face, everyone on my body then again and again. I close my eye waiting for the terrible pain to stop "you don't desire to have a family, you will never desire to be a mum, never desire to be happy, in fact my family for yours" He say harshly and I feel something break inside of me "they are your family too, your daughter, your unborn children, your wife" I scream hoping he will remember. "Remember" I shout but is muffled out by my scream of the candle stick coming down again over my stomach. My begins to vision fade, I know this is the end. The worst part of all is that my unborn baby will never see the outside world, Willow will grow up without me but the worst part is that Peeta won't be able to face it, or even if he does maybe he will turn on her.

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