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I wake up early, I couldn't sleep I was tossing and turning all night. I head down stairs and turn on the tv. The morning news is just about to start so I watch that. There's couple of story about the new building in 12 and about the hole of Panem. But then I see mine and Peeta face on the screen, there doing a story on our wedding and my pregnancy. "well I'm happy their finally happy" one of the reports says "Me too, they fought so hard for each other, they deserve to be happy" Another says "We hopefully be having, photo's and maybe videos of the wedding which is taking place in district 12 today, Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen, soon to be Katniss Mellark we would like wish a very happy marriage and hope you have a healthy baby boy or girl" the last reports says and then it goes into a break. Then Effie comes in followed by Johanna, Annie and Blue. "Katniss, it's your wedding day" Effie smiles "Let's start getting you ready, we have only got a couple of hours". Then 3 people come in to the living room. "Katniss, darling" they all say then I recognise that there my prep team from the games "Flavius,Venia,Octavia" I scream "Darling we missed you" They all say "Katniss your eyebrows" Venia say in shock. I smile and then they start work on me. I take a shower and my prep team are waiting with a towel. Flavius starts ripping all the out of place hair on my body. Next is my hair. Flavius starts off by drying my hair then brushing it through, after about 20 mins he finished, I stand up and look in the mirror "Katniss that so beautiful" Annie smiles "it's what we call a waterfall braid" Flavius says while Venia, Octavia capped.

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