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"There" I nurse says as I swallow 2 pink pills down with some water. "You ready?" Haymitch asks me I nod, I wish Peeta would be here to see our baby. Haymitch helps me into a wheelchair and begin to push me out of my hospital room. "Haymitch" I ask weakly "have you seen Peeta?" I continues I know what I answer will be but I still want to ask it "were been trying to find him Katniss but no one seen or heard from him I'm so sorry" Haymitch replys and I feel a tear fall from my eye. Peeta doesn't even know he is a father, does he even know if the baby still alive. We arrive at a door then Haymitch pushes a button that quickly opens, then I see him my son in a bed just as Willow was when she was born but smaller with wires cover his tiny body. I do really wish that Peeta would be here now, so I cry into his shoulder.

"He's tiny" I whimper

"He was really early, earlier then Willow" he tells me. A doctor walks towards us so I quickly ask him

"Is he going to be okay?"

"You are Katniss right?"


"And your the father of the baby or Katniss " he ask Haymitch

"Oh no neither I'm a friend" Haymitch quickly answers

"Oh well okay so he's not completely developed jet which meant that is amonu system is very weak and injection set in but we are giving him antibiotics" the doctors tells me.

"Can I hold him?" I say trying to hold back my tears "I'm sorry but he's not allowed out jet" that's when I feel the tear fall harder then before, the pain killers are just kicking in and I beginning to get tired. "Can we go now" I mutter out and before I know it were back to the door at my hospital room but before we enter I hear a voice from behind me, Peeta? I turn my head so fast I feel a shooting pain but I don't care all I want is to see him. But standing before me isn't who I thought. Gale

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