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We walk toward the door "Peeta wait let me get my bow" I tell Peeta. I kept my bow from the rebellion so I put my old on outside just incase.

I load my bow and walk into the house, "Stay behind me Peeta, I can't let you get hurt" I whisper to Peeta, then there's a bang but not like a gun shot more like some tipping something over. "Peeta go and get Haymitch or someone quick" I tell Peeta "No I'm not leaving you" he demands "Peeta please I can't lose you not again" I say and then kiss him and he rushes out the front door. I walk into the living room theirs books everywhere, smashed glass everywhere. I follow the muddy prints that are on the floor into the study, I can see four figures standing in their. Then door was open a little and as I looked thought one of them stopped just in my view, I aimed my bow and I was going to shoot ......

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