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I can't say anything all I can do it cry into Annie shoulder. "Would you like to see it" Rachel say "Yes please" I reply. Rachel heads into the back room and the brings out a white bag and then she up zips it. "It's not what we normally get asked to make but Cinna thought you would like it" Rachel says "Well isn't a normal girl" Effie say. "Their is only one problem, we didn't know you were pregnant and by the wedding you gonna be a lots bigger" Rachel says worriedly. "Well is their anything you can do?" Annie says. "Well we can do another fitting a week or so before the wedding and then change it" Rachel replies and then pulls out the dress, my heart stops when I see it. It's just what I wanted. The dress is pure white with long sleeved,it has my mockingjay laced into the back and has a long train but it's so slimming. "It's so beautiful" I say in shock. "Would you like to try it on?" Rachel asks "Yes please, Johanna could you please come and help me?" I ask "Me" Johanna say "Yes please" I smile "of course" she replys and we go into the changing rooms. I don't why I asked Johanna, maybe it was show her she is my friend and that she not just here because she was with us in the rebellion. Rachel and Johanna both help me into the dress, it a straggle because before I was pregnant I was so slim and skinny but I finally get it on. "Shall we show the others" Rachel says "Yeah, Johanna can you help me out please" I smile. "Sure" she says and then takes my hand and then I walk out. "Katniss you look amazing" Effie smiles "wow, it's so beautiful" Annie say "Can I see myself in the mirror please" I ask. Rachel smiles and goes over to the mirror and take the cloth off it. When It drops so does my heart, it's amazing, beautiful, wonderful "Is it what you wanted?" Annie asks "Yes and more, Cinna always knew what I liked even when I didn't" I say as I start to cry.

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