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Peeta, his eye have turnt black, his face is pale. He running faster then he has ever run. I though he was running for Gale but no, he hit me fall pelt I'm knocked to the ground and he starts to punch me then Gale lifts me off him just as Haymitch and effie come running though the woods, Haymitch noes is bleeding.

Peeta and Gale are fighting "He gonna kill him" I whisper to myself so I "PEETA STOP PLEASE" I scream at the top of my voice and it works his eyes turn to their normal blue self. Haymitch helps me up and then Peeta looks at me, I can't see the damage his done but I can feel it, I hole face feels like it been burt with fire and in my legs and feet I get stabbing pains for falling onto the stones.

"Katniss I'm so sorry" he says with a horrified look in his face and he can't take and run off into the woods. I try to run after him but I fall, Haymitch, Effie and help me and Gale back to the house where I find a little girl sitting on the steps, she runs up to Gale and he says "U okay, Catnip?" it was his daughter but I knew that face some where

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