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I looked like a pink marshmallow "I can't wear this" I laugh "I agree" Annie laughs back. Then I head back to my wardrobe and look around inside. "Their only one dress in here and I wore It so many times and on the victory tour" i say to Annie but she doesn't reply she just looks as if she thinking. "Come with me" Annie smile and takes my hand. I'm still wearing my dress so I do get some stares as me and Annie run down the corridor. We stop at her room she gets her key and let's us in "Wait here" she says and points to the bed. Annie heads to her wardrobe and then after about 5 mins comes back with this beautiful green dress. It's all lacy with printed flowers in lacy. "That's so beautiful" I say "I bought it ages ago when I was pregnant but never really got the chance to wear it" she replies "are you sure" I ask Annie "Yes positive" she answers and hand me the dress and I go into the bathroom and change. When I'm done, we both head back down stairs when I come in everyone turns and looks at me "Katniss, what happened to the dress" Effie screams I look at Annie "it didn't fit" I laugh. After that Johanna arrives and everyone starts drinking but of course not me and Effie. It's around 2 o'clock in the morning that I head back to my room. When I get in Peeta is asleep, he looks so beautiful he packed up all ours stuff as we a travel back early tomorrow. I get changed out of the dress and just into bed with Peeta,I can snuggle up to him and drift off.

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