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Me and Peeta wake up and then have a shower together and then we get change " Katniss, pack an over night bag" Peeta say as their a knock at the door. Peeta goes and answers the door and then bring in Haymitch and Effie "You ready hunny?" Effie say in a excited voice. "For what" I say "We are all going to the Capitol, to get everything for the wedding" Peeta says. "So go pack some clothes and be quick we have to pick everyone up on the way" Effie continues. So I'm pushed up stairs and I pack some clothes, my hair and tooth brush and some other little bits when effie come up and says "Bring a nice dress and some make up aswell" she say so I do. After that we all jump into a car and then head to the train station. We wait a couple of minutes and our train arrives. We all jump on and then head to are rooms and then into the living room. The first thing effie does is run over to the table and screams "Mahogany" we laugh then sit down on the sofa's. "So were going to 7 to pick up Johanna and then 4 to pick up Annie and Blue and then we are stopping in 2 for about 3 hours to look their an amazing baby shop their and then to the Capitol" Effie say as per usual she planned everything. "Why don't you stop off and see Gale" Peeta say, I turn to look at him in amazement "What?" I say just to cheak I wasn't hearing stuff "Why don't you go and see Gale, he is your friend after all" He repeats "Aren't scared he gonna make a move on me" I say to Peeta "No I trust you" he finishes. " Katniss I think you should tell them" he whisper to me "No I'll do it when everyone here" I whisper back. So we head to 7 and pick up Johanna she heads to her bedroom and takes a nap. Then it's about 2:30 when we pick up Blue and Annie, Annie looks so tried. "Annie why don't you go and have some sleep, I'll look after Blue" I tell Annie "Oh thank you Katniss that will be amazing" she say and just as I take Blue, Haymitch chuckles "She needs the practise" and then I just look at him "Calm down Sweetheart" he laughs

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