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I slowly open the door of Peeta's house, inside it was dark with only a couple of candles scatter around "Peeta?" I say "In here Katniss" he replies. I walk into the living room where I find Peeta on 1 knee I walk over to him "Katniss Everdeen, I've loved since the first day I saw you, we had are up and downs but without the hole thing my love never died for your even when the Capitol toke me away from you, so Katniss Everdeen will you help fight the nightmares and become Kaniss Mellark" he say " who said you can't be Peeta Everdeen" I smile and then everyone jumps out at with party poppers. Peeta put the ring on my finger and I give him a massive Hug and kiss. "I love you so much" I say.
We all sit down for dinner it the first time I seen most of them Johanna, Annie with he new little baby,Plutarch and of course Effie and Haymitch we all have an amazing time and have some amazing food aswell. After dinner the men go and play Pool and us women clean up "What his name Annie?" I ask Annie "Blue Odair" she replies, "Arr he so cute" I say "Soon your be having them" Johanna laughs "Funny me a mum, So Johanna what you doing with your self?" I say "Just relaxing, looking for a job really" she says. After the washing up done we all sit down and watch the Tv and we all try and start to plan the wedding well when I say all I mean Effie. It got really late and all the boys were drunk "Why don't you all stay ours houses" Peeta says as he looks at me "Well i got my 3 rooms at mine and you got 2 here" I say " Well Plutch you can stay at mine so we can continue drinking" Haymitch say "Haymitch" Effie says in a horrified voice " Come off Effie, I love you" Haymitch says in his drunk state.
So I stay at Peeta's with Annie, Blue and Johanna. I get into bed with Peeta "Tonight was amazing, thank you" I tell Peeta "It's okay, I love you so much" he says and kiss him and we fall asleep in each other arms

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