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I turn around and kiss Peeta. His face is shinny from sweat and his is turned grey with flour. My mind is still on the test, I need to double check it maybe I looked wrong or I could of not left enough time for it revel the answer. "How was your day" I ask Peeta sitting down on the bed and I join him, "long your?" He replys. "I fell asleep" I softly say, "Oww" Peeta cry's "what the matter" I whip around to face his back "my back sore, not as young as I used to be" he chuckles. I slide behind Peeta putting my legs either side of him and rub his back. "That amazing" he smile. "Why don't you have a shower it will help" I whisper into his ear then kiss his neck. He nod and get up, then kisses me on then lip. He walks into the bathroom and I rush over to the bin, just as I reach it I hear "mummy" I turn around to see Willow and Blue hanging off Annie "the test?" She whisper "it's a long story but give me 1 second" I tell her. I pick up the test from the bin and it's positive. "It's positive" I scream then quickly cover my month. I hear the shower stop "I'll leave you to it" Annie say rushing out the room. Peeta come out of the bathroom, his hair and body still wet and he's wearing nothing nothing but a towel "what the matter?" he asks me so quickly like their a fire or something "I have something to tell you but you can finish you shower first" I say with a massive grin on my face, "my done" he tell me walking over to his draw, opening and pulling out some boxers. He slides them under his towel and then joins me sitting on the bed. We are shoulder to shoulder, I can hear his breath on my neck as he faces me "well" he nods pushing me to tell him. "I'm pregnant" I scream not being able to contain myself, before I know it Peeta has his arms around my waist, hugging me pulling me in close. He has the biggest smile on his face "Katniss I love you so much" he screams, planting kiss after kiss on my lips.

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