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I wake up to find Peeta still asleep, I slowly get up from the bed and tip tow to the bathroom. "Does it feel good?" Peeta says "Morning and what's meant to feel good?" I ask with confused "Feel the hole way thought the night" he replys then it hits me I didn't have a nightmare it's been the first night since I can remember. " yes it was amazing, u should stay here more" I smile he smiles back and I get back into bed and we hug and kiss the morning away till the phone rings, I rush down to get it "Hey, Katniss speaking" i say, "Hey Catnip" a sad voice say from the other end "Gale?" I say I'm about to hang up the phone when he say "Wait please, I'm sorry about everything, I didn't want Prim to get hurt look please I miss you can you meet me the normal place in the woods please Catnip" I'm thinking about it when Peeta comes down "Who is it Katniss" Peeta says "No one I'm be back up their in a minute" I say "Is that Peeta I can hear" Gale says "Yes, look I'll see you their in 20 mins" I tell Gale.

"sorry I have to go and meet someone in town, I'm only be an hour max" I say and then grab my clothes and get change in the bathroom. I kiss Peeta on the cheek and leave for the woods. I'm dreading seeing Gale again after what he did to my little duck.

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