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Me and Peeta get up early to make breakfast, we make a massive spread with bacon,eggs, sausages, scones, breads, cereals. Effie, Haymitch and Plutarch come in and sit down and then Johanna and Annie come down. We all have another amazing breakfast I full by the time everyone done. After that everyone packs up their stuff and then we say are goodbyes first it's Plutarch " Thanks you for a wonderful night" he says " I'll see you at the wedding" I say and Peeta says quickly after " Have a safe journey". Then Annie and Blue "Can you take blue for me while I just use the bathroom" Annie asks and hands Blue over to me. He looked just like hims father so cute and sweet, I have really bonded with Blue over the last couple of days and last night I even got up to feed him because Annie was so tried "You look like a perfect mother" Peeta laughs.

Annie come back from the toilet and then I helped her into her car I put Blue in his car seat "I'll see you at the wedding" Peeta says, I hug and Annie and ask her "Annie I was wondering if you would be my bridesmaid at my wedding?" "Omg Katniss yes I would love to" Annie smiles "well I'll call you and talk about it" I say and then I wave goodbye. The last to go was Johanna, " Johanna will you be another of my bridesmaids please" I ask Johanna "Well I think your crazy for getting married but.... Sure I'd love to" she says "What Johanna in a Wedding dress, that's gonna be a sight" Peeta says "Heyyy" Johanna say and then she and him chase each other around the living room like little kids. After everyone gone Me and Peeta spent the day relaxing and kiss mostly. I had never been happier in my hole life.

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