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"Katniss, I've got something to show you" Peeta says and takes my hand. He takes me outside into the gardens of the Justice Building. There's light all around that light up the garden, Peeta takes me down a path that leads to a gazebo it light up with the same light that are on the bushes. Standing under the gazebo was a figure a tall man, with brown hair. "Go on Katniss, I'll be waiting inside" Peeta smiles and kiss me and walks back to the justice building. I walk slowly up towards the gazebo, just as I reach it the figure turns around. "Hey Catnipp" he says. "Gale" I smile and I run into his arms. "But.." I say but before I can finish be buts in "Peeta invited me" "I guess he know both of us better then we know ourselves" he say. Gale takes my hands and starts to slow dance. "Katniss, remember when we kissed" he says while we dance, this did make me think I though is was going to mean something bad but he continues "I so many happy memories of you But the one thing I wish I'd forget the memory I wanna forget is goodbye." He says. I don't know what to say to him and he can see this. "You better get back inside" he say with a half heartened smile. He let's go of my hand and I start to walk off but then I find something to say. "And I hope you find it, what you're looking for and I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be and so much more and I hope you're happy, wherever you are, I wanted you to know that and nothing's gonna change that." I say and just walkback into the justices building.

"You okay?" Johanna says as I walk into the door. "Yeah fine" I reply "you enjoying it?" I continue "not really all the music and dance and everyone kissing" she frowns. "I would have probably would have said the same a couple of weeks ago" I smile. Just then a youngish blond hair and blue eyed man come over to us. "I was wondering if if..." He stutters "if you would like to dance with me" he finally gets out. I think he's talking to me but when I look he asking Johanna. "No" she says but I cut in "yes she will" she just gives me a look. I push her up and I guess she gives as she takes his hand and they head off to the dance floor. "He names Johanna" I say "hi I'm David" he replys. After about 20 mins Peeta comes and finds me. "You ready to dance Mrs Mellark?" Peeta smile "of course Mr Mellark" I reply.

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