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"She so cute" I say to Gale "Thanks, Catnip this is Katniss my friend and who your named after, say hi hunny" Gale tell Catnip, she comes over and hugs me Gale had a massive smile on I had never seen him so happy not even when I was with him in 2 back when the rebellion.
We head inside "Katniss are you okay now, I need to head back and start the dinner" effie says "I'm fine, thanks Effie" I say and give her a kiss on the cheek.
Gale, me and Catnip head into my house and we sit down and I put the tv for Catnip. Gale and me make dinner "Gale who was Catnips mum" I say, he hesitates and says "Magde" and then my hearts stops Magde my best friend and Gale, what so when we got Gale back from him being whipped my thoughts were right their was something going on she did bring the drugs to help him because their was something going on between them. "She dead" I say shocked, Gale looks as if he going to cry when we looks at his watch and says "Omg we got go and get the train it's the last on till tomorrow" he grabs Catnips and runs out the door before I can say anything.
That night I go to bed really early I can bear the dark without Peeta by my side. Lots of things run though my mind mostly about Peeta, where is he outside in the cold or in a ditch somewhere dead, when I finally get to sleep I have a nightmare that Gale and Catnip are killed by Peeta and then he comes after me and then he stabs me and stabs and stabs me. Then I wake up Screaming and I must have been loud because Haymitch and effie run in and have to charm me down. Effie sits with me all night and in the morning I looks terrible, dark rims around my eyes and my mind is drained and all I want to do is Cry because I miss Peeta and I need his warmth next go me but he's not. I'm so tried I don't hear a person knocking on the door till about a couple of minutes into them knocking. But who could it be

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