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Katniss Pov (nightmare)

Our front door is crooked open, I push the door open more. I take step after step into the living room. I see Peeta standing with his back to me, "Peeta" I whisper placing my hand on his stiff shoulder. He whips his head and that when I see. His eyes are black, emotionless, blood stains his face, hands and clothes. "Peeta what happened" I ask,

"She a mutt a perfect copy of you and so he" he bellows into my face sending shiver down my spin, I try to turn and run but I can't my feet are stuck to the floor. Then his words hit me "she a mutt... So he" who blood is it that cover him. "Look this all your fault" he shouts turning around and showing off what he's done. One the floor lies two lifeless pale children, one boy and one girl. Willow and Rye "No" I scream. There bodies covered in blood. "No" I scream even louder then the first time. "Now it's your turn" he evilly says, he walks toward me "don't hurt me" I whipper but it's to later he's already got me.

Willow Pov

"No" I hear. My eyes flicker open. I feel my mums soft body next to me, she said she wouldn't leave me before I feel asleep and she didn't. She shaking and sweaty, what's wrong with her why she screaming?

I jump up from my bed and kneel next to her just as she screams again. Is she sleeping, maybe a nightmare, I had one once the first night when mum went into hospital. I hear footstep from the hallway, it must be daddy. I'm so scared for mummy.

Peeta Pov

I wake up in the bed at our house for the first time in what seems like months. "No" I hear through the walls of my room. "no" another scream, I jump to my feet and sprit to Willow's room. Katniss is in Willow bed who last night could not sleep after she fell ill. "Don't hurt me" she screams. Willow is kneeling next to her body shaking her mums sweat shoulder but not able to wake her. "Katniss" I shake her shoulder "Katniss wake up" I shake her again and this time her eyes fly open. Her eyes are red and bloodshot she must have been crying while having her nightmare. She breathing so fast.

"What happened?" I ask reaching for her but when I come close she flinches. I know what the nightmare was about, Me. Me hurting her I guess that breaks my heart. I have only just decide to stay and I'm already hurting her.

Katniss Pov

"It's was me, wasn't it?" He ask like her can read my mind. My heart beating incurably fast, why does life have to be so hard. It's like when I fight my demonds, I lose another angel.

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