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When I wake up I'm in room I've never been in before. "Morning" Peeta says and come next to me and strokes the hair out my eyes. "Is the baby okay" I ask "Yes" he says "Your getting a bit of a bump" "Can you help me up I want to look in the mirror" I say so he does. I look in the mirror and all I can do is smile."Where are we" I ask "In the Capitol" he replys "What happened, I don't remember anything apart from the woods" I ask "We toke you a hospital in 2 then you got the all clear and we came here" he says "I'm sorry Peeta" I say sadly "For what" he asks "I could have killed me and your baby, I'm so sorry" I weep "Katniss you don't have to say sorry, your hear and safe and I love you and that all that matters" he smiles. "Well we gonna got and get your wedding dress today, and send the invites, wedding only a month away" Peeta say. I get up and put on some my clothes but I have some trouble because I'm skinny so with the bump their getting small "Peeta" I call out and he comes running like he though their was a big problem "What that matter" Peeta say worriedly "I need you to help me get these trousers on" I say and he laughs and the helps me. Me and Peeta then head down to meet the others. "Right girls we are heading to get dresses, boys your getting suits" Effie shouts over everyone talking "I want to go with Katniss" Peeta says to Effie "No it's bad luck, for the man to see the wedding dress before the wedding" Effie snaps. "Peeta don't worry I'll look after her" Johanna say, but Peeta doesn't look to sure but he has no choose. Me and the girls head into one car and Peeta and the boys get into another then we head off. In the car I can't stop thinking about what happened the other day and Prim. I wish she could have been their to see me get married.

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