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What's wrong with me why didn't I talk to her, she was standing in front of me. "Katnisss we need to start getting ready" Peeta calls down, did he know it was Rachel? I grab Willow hand and slow take the stairs that are becoming a little hard as I get older. A I take a seat on the bed my mother sleep in all along for so many years, while I had a family, If I had let her in would she have not died alone?

My dress is laid out on the bed next to me. It plain black, it short sleeved and hangs to my knees. I slip it on with a pair of low black heels, then braid my hair. "Willow can you bring your in here please" I call to her, minutes later Willow comes in carrying Rye. Willow has been a great sister to Rye, she wasn't jealous when he was born. She would wake up when he cried and help me, she would change his nappies, feed him. "Here mummy" she smiles, puttin Rye down in my lap. "Thank you" I kiss her on the forehead then place Rye down on the travel cot. "Let get you changed" I tell her, getting out the skirt from the suitcase. She puts on her white blouses the a cute black skirt that stop just under her knee. She doesn't even have to ask me to braid her hair, just like Prim and me she loves her hair braided. After we are done, I dress Rye into a small black trousers with a white polo top. When I get down stair Peeta and Willow are eating breakfast, "you look beautiful" Peeta says. I give a weak smile. I place Rye in this push chair clipping him in just as Annie steps in with Blue, "hey Aunty Katniss" Blue says, I hear Willow come running toward us with a massive smile on her face. She and Blue both hug. "How you doing?" Annie questions, I can only give her a small smile. "Time to go" Peeta calls and we all head out side where everyone is waiting for us. Johanna and David, Haymitch and Effie with Cinna. Then my mothers friends, most of district 4. My mother body is resting in a car that will all follow to the graveyard. Me and Peeta line up first with Annie then Haymict and Effie with Johanna and Blue. I'm pushing Rye, Cinna. Willow and Blue are all holding hands in front of me and a Peeta.

It takes us 20 minutes to walk the hole way and after 15 Peeta picked up Willow. The hole way everyone gives me a sorry look, I hate people pitting me.

We arrive. We all circle around her grave. "Today we are here to remember Caroline Everdeen, a loving wife, mother, grandmother" a young man started, I guess he was the priest. "She devoted her life to healing people" that was the amazing thing about my mother she never really cared about herself well after her depression. As the service ran one I zoned out. All I could think about was my mum, my dad and Prim how they were all together, waiting for me. Part of me wanted to join them right now, how I miss them all. I see a flicker of movement next to me. I look around me, everyone had 3 finger raised in the air, I copied them all. It had become a habit of ours to do this. It was a sign that we still are rebeling, that we will always remember everyone who dies.

Then her body was lowed into the ground.

"Goodbye" I whispers then she's gone.

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