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I push the pushchair onto the train, pulling a suitcase with it. Willow is asleep in the chair while Annie holds Rye. It's been a hard day for all of us. Everything has changed so much in the years I've lived. I've lived in terror, fighting, pain, peace, love. I been throw so much and now I'm starting to feel it. The pain, for all the wounds, from giving birth. I'm no longer the young healthy girl I was, now everything hurts. To walk upstairs, to lift Willow, even to run.

I take all the child's into the dinning room while the others put there bags away. It's hard for me to see everyone around me is getting old. Haymitch and Effie are finding it hard to look after Cinna, to have a young boy running around wanting to play all the time.

I take a seat on the coach, just a Willow wakes up. She jumps into my lap and snuggle up to me and Rye. Blue and Cinna start to run up and down the train play fighting. "Mommy?" Willow voice says


"When will we be home?" She questions. "Soon" I answer then kiss her forehead. "I love you" I whisper into her ears as drift off to sleep, as does Rye. I feel my eye lids begin to shut. "Katniss" "Katniss wake up" I'm shaken awake. I see Blue in front of me. "Yes Blue?" I ask him, "sorry I woke you but I really want to ask you something" I mutters, he's never been much of a talker.

"What would you like to know?" I say "can you tell me about my dad?" He questions and my heart brakes. "Well your dad looked very much like you" I start, "he was a very good fighter. From district 4 just like mummy." This boy, he never got to see his father, Annie never talks about him. "He was one of my best friends, we had fought together to make the world it is today but along the way he... He" I can't find the words. How can is I tell Blue that it was my fault that his dad isn't here, watching him grow. "He passed away helping us" I try to sound soft. And not like I want to scream out crying. "Is that why mummy is always upset?" He questions

"I think so but when you lose some you love, it really hurts, like you we were just at my mum's funeral. I'm upset. I love my mum and she passed away as well" I tell Blue. Who is now sitting next to me, "did your dad pass away?" Blue ask me. I nod. "So we are the same" he added. I nod again. "Katniss can I hold your hand" his question seems strange but I don't protect. He takes his hand in mined rest his hand on my shoulder then shuts his eyes. As I do myself.

Life has been so hard these years I've lived but I finally found a family, I had one before but this seems some what normal.

This world is peaceful. No more fighting. I don't have to live in fear anymore. We are happy. Not perfect. But happy. Nobody's perfect, I myself could never say I'm. I have done so much wrong in this world that I don't think I can be forgiven. But I'm trying to forgive myself. I think that one of hardest thing we can do.

I've finally found it. I've found my future and my ending.

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