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I continue looking throw my wardrobe and then I find a even better dress. It has a white strapless top and then there is a black skirt, It's long and strate. I put on the dress and pick out some black flat shoes, I take my hair out of my braid and let it natural fall to my shoulders. Then their a knock at the door, I run down to answer and see it's my mum and Effie "Hey" Effie says "I bought some make up" she continues, really am I going to let her do my make up and guess my face is showing this as well because "I'll only do it light, I promise" she smiles, so I invite her and my mother in "where's Willow?" my mother asks "upstairs" I reply and the everyone follows me upstairs. I knock on our bedroom door as I guess Peeta shut it because he was getting changed "descent" he shouts out. My mother enters Willow room while me and Effie go into mine "sit down" Effie say to me, so I do. She opens up her bag and like a million thing fall out onto the bed. Peeta comes running over to me just as she about to put the first thing on "wait,wait" "are you really going to let her do this Katniss" he say worriedly "Make ups changed a lot Peeta, carm down it all died down no one goes crazy anymore" Effie says pushing his arm away "okay" "I just don't want you making my beautiful wife who doesn't need make up into some clown" he tell us and it make me smile. Effie starts out to my amazement she doesn't go crazy, she puts light foundation then mascara that makes my eyelashes really long and then a glossy colourless lip stick. Then brings out something that looks like a pen which worries me, is she going to draw on me in pen. But before I can say anything she already one eye, she draws a line on the top and bottom of my eye, "it's called eye liner Katniss, you should use it more often" Effie smiles at me. I look in the mirror and for the first time since my wedding I feel beautiful. I stand up and turn around to face Peeta who is freshly dressed in a white with black striped top and black trousers. "Wow, your so beautiful" Peeta smiles. We all walk down stairs and my mother is sitting of the sofa rocking Willow "doesn't she look amazing" Effie shouts "beautiful" my mother smiles, I beginning to get worried about her. She look really old and tried, when I think about it she was pretty old before the first games which was before any of the fighting started. "Are you sure you are okay to look after Willow mum" I ask her then kiss her on the cheek "yes of course darling, I get to spend time with my granddaughter" she smile but I can tell she hurting knowing that this was the place we both really saw Prim happy. Both me and Peeta kiss Willow goodbye and then head outside where Haymitch and Annie are waiting for us. "All ready?" Haymitch asks, I nod then we leave for the party.

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