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After we finished paying for the dresses we all head back to the hotel. "We have 20 mins till dinner, why don't you go fresh up" Effie says. I nod and head up stairs and go into my hotel room, on the bed
lay a dress bag and inside contains what I guess to be Peeta suit. It's black and also has a light blue tie, it's so soft. Next to it is a note saying
Me and Haymitch are heading out with some other guys so I'm going to be late home. Sorry. Hope you liked the dress Cinna made for you.
Also I got you a little something, look in the box.
Love you loads Peeta
On the bottom of it is a picture of I guess me in a white dress.
I look inside the box that was next to Peeta suit it contains, a copy of my mockingjay pin but it different, it's gold and has tinny baby blue diamonds.
I sit on the bed looking at the pin it was so beautiful, then there was a knock at the door. I open the door and it's Annie and Blue "Dinner ready" she says "Okay I'm just coming" I say as I grab a jacket and shut the door and went with Annie. But when we get down stairs we don't go into the dinning hall but Annie takes my hand a leads me into another room and when we open the door all I hear is "Surprise"

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