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"But I don't need it I'm fine" I insist "Sweetheart it will help" Haymitch tell me "did you do this" I shout at him. "No it was my choose" the doctor say then like I can't see him he nods to Haymitch. "So I can go?" I asks then the doctor nods. I quickly rush off to get changed, when I come back everyone is ready. Willow is her orange coat and hat it reminds me off Peeta to much. Annie bought Willow car seat so I place her in it and Annie and Haymitch do the same with Blue and Cinna. When we all take our first steps out the hospital we are greeted by camera crew, photographs and Capitol news reports. "News spreads fast" I laugh to Annie "I guess so" she reply. As we all continue to walk they start shouting questions "Haymitch you still drinking" "What the baby called" "Annie how's life as a single parent "how the baby." I thought I got away with it until one shouts "Katniss are you still with Peeta" "Are you still Mrs Mellark or are you now Miss Everdeen again?" "Katniss how you feeling after you were pushed." That a last comment gets me the most, I turn around and shout at the top of my voice "I wasn't pushed" then more and more questions begins to get asked but Haymitch grabs my arm and we continue walking.

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