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I take Peeta hand and we walk back toward the square, we are then directed to the the square that connects all the shops together. When Blue said a party he was very mistaken, all it really is the children playing together, some adult drinking and then there is our small group that takes a seat next Peeta's bakery on the tables and chair that have been laid out. "Where's Annie?" Is the first question I'm asked by Effie "she wanted to be alone" I say then take a seat. I begin to fall asleep in my chair as it gets later "Katniss, you okay?" Haymitch ask me

"Yeah, just tried" I say back

"Look why don't you two head home we will bring the kids home" Effie smiles at me. "No look I'm fine" I insist but I truly do want to go home and go to bed. Before I know is Peeta taking my hand and we are walking back to the house "How's she doing?" he asks me

"She" I question

"The baby?"

"Oh how do you know it's going to be a girl?"

"Well I knew with Willow and I get the feeling with his one as well" he say as we arrive at the front door.

"I'm going to get changed" I tell Peeta, he just nods in reply and turn on the tv, it's take me longer then normal to get up the stair due to me being so tried and the fact I'm pregnant. I change out of my dress and put on sweets and plain black shirt. I'm lying on the bed my eye closed shut, just falling into sleep when I hear a loud crash and my eye snap open, my legs more faster then my mind does and before I know it I'm at the bottom of the stairs watching as Peeta chucks around the furniture. My stomach drops as his eye set on me the colour drained from them. He's back, the angry, the uncontrollable, the crazy, the violent, the hijacked Peeta back.

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