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Peeta helps me up from the chair and we head into the middle of the dance floor. A song starts to play and we both to slow dance. "You like the song?" Peeta asks "yeah it's so beautiful" I reply. (How long will I love plays) everyone has now standing at the edge of the floor and is watching us dance. "Oww" I say "what the matter" Peeta jumps "oh nothing just my belling starting to hurt a little" I say "Katniss, we better get you to a hospital quick" he worries "Peeta I'm fine stop worrying, let's carry on dancing" I reply. Once we have finished dancing it's time for speaks and Haymitch goes first, I'm so surprise to he not drunk at all. "Well we all know that Katniss and Peeta have has their fear share of up and downs but haven't we all, I had no Idea what I was going to say when I was to make a speech but then I found a quote from a poem to say, so here it is. Love is fragile. And we're not always its best caretakers. We just muddle through and do the best we can. And hope this fragile thing survives against all odds." He say "I know for a fact I haven't been the best caretaker, but everyone can change. Right. So let's raise a glass to the new Mrs and Mr Mellark" he continues. We all raise our glasses. We continues the party late into the night. Everyone happy, Johanna is with David, Annie gone back to the house, Haymitch and Effie our dancing. "Katniss" my mothers asks "yes" I reply "can you come with me for a couple of minutes" she says. She takes my hand and I follow her to the front of the building, no here so we just sit down on a sofa. She pulls out to envelopes. "These are from, your father, I wrote so to but I'm here" She says and hands me one of the envelops it reads

Dear my beautiful Katniss

If your readying this then I'm most probably gone but if I'm not then get out of mine and your mum's stuff NOW!!!

Me and your mother didn't know if we'd see this day so we decide to write these so you knew we were there.

Well you getting married who'd have thought it. I hope the man your marrying is the right one for you, I hope he treats you right and looks after you. I hope you still go hunting in the woods, maybe you take Prim with you I don't know. But Katniss remember that Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes it makes you love them more.

Lots of Love


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