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Me and Peeta stand by the lake "I don't want to go in" he says, so I push him in he splashes around a little while I laugh and then before I know it someone grabs my leg and pulls me in to the water. The water is so warm and nice. I teach Peeta to swim but all I mostly do is laugh.

We splash around a lot and kiss and hug it's amazing being with him on this wonderful day. We get out the lake and have some food. "Lye down and then I'll draw you" Peeta says to me so I do I try and stay still so he can draw me. It takes about 15 mins for him to finish. "Here you go" Peeta say to me, "It's beautiful" I reply "No your beautiful" Peeta laughs. It's late afternoon before we head back to the house we walk hand in hand. That night me and Peeta sleep together it was wonderful and amazing I have never felt better.

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