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I slowly step back but Willow begins to cry even louder and that when I see him, his fist locked, his eyes turnt black, his hand are red from the paint. "Mutt, your a stinking mutt" he shots "Peeta please, try and fight it, try and think of Willow" I say trying to hold back the tears. Peeta runs at me but I move just before he reaches me, I run as fast as I can upstairs, I can't hold back the tears but I have to be strong I have to save Willow. I run into her room up her down, I have to think fast "Think" I tell myself then I see the it. I grab the key that on the side and lock her door. Peeta just reaches me as I finish locking the door. "Your a mutt" "a stinking mutt" "I hate you I hate you" he shouts "HELP" I scream but I know no one will be able to hear me "Peeta please stop" I cry as he walks towards me, he's eyes are hocked on me and not the door so I slowly begin away.He begins to talk to him but like their was two side of him fighting "Stop" he scream "No she's a Mutt" he continues. "Peeta please" I scream but he get me and hold on to me, he pushes me to the floor lock me down and start to punch my face, my chest and the his hands find their place on my kneck.

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