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I wake up it's the night before the wedding. I'm really sour, my hole body is in pain and that the bad thing about pain it demands to be felt. "Peeta" I scream, he comes running up the stairs "Katniss you okay" he asks. "I need help getting up" I say, Peeta takes my arm and help me up. It's take a couple of attends for me to get up. "I have a dress fitting today" I tell Peeta "Today" he say and looks at me. "They had to do it the day before because we didn't know how big my bump would be" I tell him "Okay, well let's get you dressed" he says and help me into the bathroom and then helps me get changed. At 9 Effie knocks on the door and Peeta answers "Where my bride to be" she smiled "She not feeling to good today, I had to help her get up and get change this morning" he continues. "I know how she feels"she smiles as I walk toward the door. Then I see Rachel with my dress in a bag. "Peeta, why don't you go and see Haymitch it's bad luck to see the dress before the wedding day" Effie says and waves him out. Rachel and Effie head into the house and help me get changed "I have altered it a lot but if you need it I can do more" Rachel says. I finally get the dress on and it's fits perfectly, "it's fits" I scream in happiness. We all smile and then Effie, Johanna and Annie try their dress on again."Still fits Effie?" I ask "Yes, I got a dress for a pregnant a women" she says. In the dress Effie bump looks bigger then mine. "Effie how can I be further gone then you but your bump bigger then mine?"I ask "Well it's because your were thinner then me to start with and it's your first" she replies "Okay"I smile. And that it all the wedding plans are done. The outfits, the venues, the catering, the rings, the flowers, everything was done and ready for tomorrow. Peeta comes back into the house after were all done. "Katniss, Effie making me stay are their tonight she thinks it bad luck" he say "Oh" I frown and he comes and hugs and runs upstairs, takes a shower, packs some clothes including his suit for the wedding. He comes down stairs and we kiss "that's the last time where gonna kiss while your still Katniss Everdeen" Peeta smiles. I smile back, he then kneels down and kiss my belly and says "Be good for your mummy". Peeta then head out the door. Then it hits me this is gonna be my last night as Katniss Everdeen.

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