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I take Haymitch hand and take him over to the awaken Willow. His face lights up at the sight of her smile. Haymitch picks her up and sits down on the sofa. "Can you look after Willow while and Katniss take showers please?" Peeta says to everyone, "No" I snap "I don't want to leave her" I continue "Katniss it's fine, she safe" Peeta nods to me. He takes me up stairs and we take a shower together. "Katniss, tomorrow I need to go back to work" he say while we dry are selves. "So soon" I frown "I need to get reopened it's been to long" he replys "You can bring Willow down maybe" he continues. "Yeah it's fine" I tell Peeta and he come over and hugs me so tight. "Katniss I know it hard to let go, after what happened but we protect each other Real or Not?" He say "Real" I say and kiss Peeta. Me and Peeta get changed and head back down stairs, Haymitch is still holding Willow. So me and Peeta start placing all the baby stuff in the house. Her toys in her new room with her new changer and bed. We place her high chair next to the other in the dinning room. "Is everyone going to stay for dinner?" Peeta asks "Not me, I'm feeling really tried" Effie replys. She nearly due so she going to need her rest, "Of course" I say "I'm going as well" Haymitch also say. "I got an interview tomorrow sorry" Annie says "What for?" Johanna say "A teacher at the new school in 12" she replys "In 12?" Peeta say. "yeah there's nothing in 4 for me anymore but here I've got all you guys and I spent most of my time her anyway" she say. So Effie, Haymitch, Annie and Blue leave. "Johanna what about u?" Peeta asks "No sorry I'm meeting you and David" she tells us, "you and David" Peeta jokes then they start chasing each other again. After they stop Johanna comes to talk to me "Katniss for making me dancing with David, it was hard but I guess I had to learn to love again" she kiss me on the cheek and leaves. Peeta makes dinner while I sit down with Willow for a newborn she always smiling I haven't really heard her cry either "Peeta do you think I should get a job?" I ask "I mean after Willow a bit older"I continue "maybe yeah, you could help me at the bakery?" He says "I don't I though maybe as a teacher at the new school" I ask Peeta. "Teaching what?" He replys "History about the rebellion or teaching about the wild or something?" I tell him "Yeah might be good" he says. Once I go and put Willow to sleep, she drops off really quickly so me and Peeta sit down together and watch some tv. The news is on and theirs a bit about Peeta and I. "We'd just like to a congrats to Mrs Katniss Mellark and Mr Peeta Mellark on their new little baby girl coming home today, here is a picture of them coming out their hospital in 12" a news reporters says "we think from sources they called her Willow" another says. The picture comes up and I have to smile because we both look so happy.

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