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Negative, I stare at this piece of white plastic sitting on the side that meant so much to me and just let all my tears out. I lie on my bed and rap myself in the covers, I still get a whiff of Peeta smell which comforts me. I begin to scream and cry into my pillow like I'm in pain but I'm not in physical, I'm in mental pain. I feel something break inside of me, but it's weird I didn't even want to be pregnant again, I didn't want to go through the pain, maybe out of fear so why do I feel like this.

I must have fallen asleep as I wake up to sound of Peeta shouting "I'm home", I hear Peeta and Annie talking then slow footstep that then turn into loud bangs, I guess he running up the stairs. I see the white test on the side, Peeta can't know. I jump out of bed so fast I hurt my leg but it doesn't bother me, I just to to bin the test. I whip it up into my hand and then run towards the bin and drop it just before he reaches the door. I look at the test one more time, kind of like I'm chucking away my feeling. Peeta raps his hand around my waist, then kisses my cheek. I know he's their but I don't touch him because all my thoughts are on the test it's changed. The test positive.

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