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I slowly sit down next to Peeta, his head is in his hands "Peeta" I whisper into his ear. He doesn't reply so I take his hands from his face "Peeta please listen to me" I tell him sweetly "Katniss no please I don't want to hurt you, look at your body, I did that, I pushed you out of that window" he screams "Peeta you think you pushed me" I ask "I know I did" he say and turn away from me "You didn't I jumped" I sweetly says to his crying face. "Katniss I'm terrified that one day I'm going to kill my love of my life the mother of my beautiful daughter"he breaks down, I wipe away the tear coming down his face. "When I married you Peeta, I made a vow to you love you matter what" I smile "and I'm going to keep that vow forever and ever" I continue. "Katniss you could never love me"he snaps back "I fell in love the way you fall asleep and then all at onces"I softly replys, but his face becomes hard."Katniss you might want to get back to Willow" he says.

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