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"What?" I say in shock. So many things are running though my head, the day of the first reaping how I told Gale I would never have kids, the mothers every year sending their child off to the games, watching them getting killed. "Katniss, you don't have to have the baby" my mother says " Katniss if your not ready, It's fine, we can maybe try again later" Peeta smiles but I can tell it's fake. I know how much Peeta wants kids and think he would be an amazing Father "I need to like about it" I say and then walk up the stairs, I get change into my hunting clothes and head back down stairs "You can't go out alone Sweetheart" Haymitch says "I can do what I want, I'm not a baby" I snap "No but your carrying one" He replys I just give him a look and then I grab my bow and walk out the door. I walk thought the town and I go and look at the new Bakery of course it's Peeta's.

I head into town and look around, since the rebellion I haven't really been out much only really to the shops and the woods. So I go and look around there's new houses, shops and then I see the new school it hasn't been finished jet but it looks wonderful and maybe in a couple of years my son or daughter will be going there. The hole way to the woods I think about the baby, could I kill it but then could I look after it if I did keep it. Then I remember Blue how cute he is, getting up to feed him and also about the fact that Annie coupes on her own with no help.

I spend the hole day in the woods, I get lots of meat, Turkey, birds, squirrels and some other animals and it's getting late before I start to head back. I stop of at the hostal where the family who don't have homes jet live and I decide to give them a turkey and 2 squirrels, while I'm there I see loads of the children running around happy, smiling and that when I decide what I'm going to do.

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