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The braid went in a line across for one side of my head to the other, the rest of my hair hung down and straighten. "here we have this to go on as well" Flavius says. He brings a green rim that goes around my head and on it has gold flowers around it, "it's so beautiful" I say as Flavius places it on my head.
Octavia starts on nails, they are really horrible, unshaped but Octavia brilliant. She files them down, rubs hand & nail cream in. She gives me just white tips, "Perfect" Octavia smile. Then all of them descend to my face to start working on my make up. It takes about an 1 hour for them to be done "Take a look in the mirror" Annie says. I stand up and look into the mirrior, I only have a light foundation then a glossylip gloss, my eyes are the main feature though. I have long eyelashes with a gold eye shadow. "you look amazing" a voice say I turn to see it's my mother. "Mum" I smile and run over and hug her. "Well let's get you into your dress"Effie says and then my prep team get my dress and then take me to get changed. Annie,Blue,Johanna and Effie all head down stairs, my prep team get me into my dress. "Katniss, you look amazing" they all say "Thanks" I reply and then they all help me down stairs. Once were all ready I head out side and waiting for me is a gold horse drawn carriage, "is that for me?" I ask "Yes Katniss" Effie replys. In the carriage sits Haymitch who looks smartly dressed in a black suit with a gold tie, "Ready to get married Sweetheart" he smiles. He helps me onto the carriage and then the other get into another carriage infront of us. We ride thought the streets of district 12, everyone is waving, smiling and cheering. The carriage goes over a massive bump in the road and I feel as if I'm gonna fall out so I have to grab Haymitch hand. "It's okay Sweetheart I've got you" he says. Our carriage arrives at the edge of the woods, theirs gold flowers everywhere just like my flowers in my hand and the once in hair. "It's looks beautiful" I say "Peeta did most of the work" Haymitch says. "Katniss, your looks so beautiful" my mother says. I smile at my mothers and we both know what the others thinking. Prim. "I wish she was here to" I say to her and take her into my arms. "Katniss were ready for you" Annie says "Everyone into place" Effie claps, i stand next to Haymitch, who will be walking me down aisle, this was another time I saw Haymitch cry. My mother, Effie, Johanna, Annie are in front of me. Music starts to play and then the other start to slowly walk closely followed by me and Haymitch. Step by step I become closer to Peeta, the man I love, the man I had to fight for, the man that saved me, the man who fought for me and the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

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