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(Short story's)

(Cinna's POV)

15 years later

"Goodbye mum" I feel a tear fall from my eye. "Goodbye dad" I feel another. I stand at the grave of my parents, with my backpack at my feet. It only a week since my mum and joined dad in the graveyard.

I'm only 18 and I've lost them. I spent my time with Willow crying into her shoulder. . She, her mum and dad have looked after me for the month since dad and the 2 weeks mum passed away. I'm leaving her Willow the girl I love, it's time to move on, I know she doesn't love me like she love Blue they were made for each other. My hole life is packed into a large bag. I'm going to be away for a hole year, travelling around Panem.

We all stand at the train station waiting for my 2:00 o'clock train that will take me to the Capitol where I'll work my way back home to 12. I hug Blue first it's only quick Annie made him come. Then Annie, Johanna and then Rye. That kids is turning into a annoying kid. I give Peeta a man hug, he has so kind to me, teaching me and helping me with things after dad died. "Come here" Katniss pulled me into a warm hug, like always. She was one of the best women I know a after everything thing I learnt about her and the hunger games, the rebellion. My opinion of her never changed. "Goodbye" she kisses my cheek smiling. Then the girl I've loved my hole life. Willow. "I'm gonna miss you so much" a tear slides down her face but I whip it away, "I'm going to miss you to" I kiss her on the cheek as I hear the train pull into the station.

"Goodbye" I shout stepping into the train. That will take me to my new future. A new life

SS2 (Katnuss POV - 2 weeks after Cinna left)

"Mum?" I hear Willow's voice from the bathroom. "Yeah" I answer. As I get to the door I see her. No longer does she wear her hair in 2 braids, but in one I remember it just like yesterday that first I held her in my arms but now she's all grown up in her 20's. She sitting on the floor cradling her knees. "Willow are you okay?" I ask, I see her face red and puffy. "Mum I'm pregnant" she cries. "Oh Willow" I slowly take a seat next to her. My back a king from old age. "He's going to leave me. We're to young to be parents" her head falls into my shoulder.. "Willow he would never leave, talk to him" I try and reassure her. I pull her up and the test hit the floor and roles toward the door. It's someone feet and as I look up I see who's foot it is. Peeta. His face is full of angry, "Daddy" Willow worriedly says "I'm gonna kill him" Peeta shouts. "Peeta, stop let her tell him" I scream at him, Peeta stops in his tracts.

Together we walk down the stairs of our family house. "Willow are you okay?" Blue ask first, I can see the scared look in his eyes. "We need to talk" Peeta booms "Peeta stop" I turn and order him. "I'm pregnant" Willow word cut over all of us. I shock on Blue's face is so painful. "Blue?" She questions. "I was going to do this tonight but her goes" Blue pulls a blue box out of his hoodie pocket, he knee's down on one knee. "Willow Everdeen will you marry me and become Willow Odair?" Willow nodds her head yes. "Omg Willow getting married" a 15 year old Rye screams just on Que..

SS 3

Willow steps into her dress then pulls it up.

She had a great taste in fashion, unlike me of course.

It's white, it had thinstraps. No back to the dress. It had a 2 skirts, one that just hanged and then another the cover the rest with patterns.

She pulled her hair up into a bun that had lots of white flower clips pushed into it. She only had light makeup but looked so beautiful. "Willow you look beautiful" I felt a single tear drop. "Wow sis" Rye words enters the room followed by Peeta's "beautiful just like your mother"

Rye bless him. Has turn into a handsome boy but not the best at thinking and can be really clumsy. "You look okay yourself, never thought I'd see you in a suit" Willow laughed. "You can't even see I'm pregnant" She smiled looking at herself in the mirror. She was the most wonderful bride.

SS 4

"I'm coming" I shout to the other side of the door . I pick up Peeta on the way. Willow 2 week old son. The banging continues on the door, Peeta starts to play with the neckless as I open the door.

Standing in front of me is a tall skinny blond young man. "Cinna" I smile, it's been a year since Effie and Haymitch both passed away. A year since he took of travelling around Panem. "Katniss and you had a new baby?" he questions. I'm confused for a second before I realise I'm holding Peeta, who Cinna has no clue about. In fact he doesn't know about Willow and Blue even getting married, we didn't know where he was in Panem to send the invite too. "No this is Peeta" I tell him, he looks really confused "Willow son" I add.

"She had a kid, wow I missed a lot"

He smiles tingling Peeta. "Who's the dad?" He ask, oh no this is where it goes down hill. Before he felt Cinna and Willow had been dating. It was nothing serious, they were more like friends then a couple. And I knew Willow didn't really love him in that way, she loved Blue. But when he went to secondary school a year before both of them, he kind of left there friendship group and found a new one. Before I could answer I see a figure standing in the yard. "Who's that?" I ask him, he turns his head then smiles "Can we come in and I'll explain and so can you?" He said and I open the door for him while he nods toward the young lady. She looked like someone I knew, but I couldn't put my finger on it. We all take a seat on the coach as Rye comes running down the stairs followed by Blue who I guess both were fighting. "Boys stop your going to brake yourselves" I call out, I hear Cinna chuckle a little. "Sorry mum it brother code to beat up your sister boyfriend, well husband" Rye laughed hitting Blue in the chest. I saw Cinna head drop "it only if your older then her stupid" Blue hit him back. "We have guest" I say, them boys are so blind. They both stop and look towards us. "That his dad. Blue." Cinna says "I've missed a lot in a year" he laughs. That not how I thought it would go. "Is that Cinna I can hear" Willow calls for the stairs. "The sexy one home" he replys which then is join with the sound of thumping down the stairs. "Cinna" Willow screams running into his arms. "If it isn't Miss Everdeen all grown up and a mum" he chuckle letting go her as Blue pulls him into a man hug, "No Mrs Odair now"

"You got married" he calls. Blue nods. "Why did I get stuck with the baby while you lot our up stairs having fun fighting" I interrupt

"Sorry mum" Willow takes Peeta as the other one comes throw the door. "Uncle Peeta" Cinna calls running into a hug with Peeta, "when did you get back?" He questions "and who did you bring with you"

Cinna walks over the young girl he arrived with, she had really long brown hair.

"Oh sorry this is my fiancé" he smiled kissing her on the cheek. "fiancé" most of us said. "Yeah fiancé." He replys. "I'm Catnip Hawthorne nice to meet you" her voice is sweet as she extends her hand to me. Catnip. Gale's daughter.

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