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Waking up, Janet was already irritated by what had happened last night. Who would've thought you could love someone who pisses you off so often! Her person is Shawnette Heard. As much as Janet loves her, when they argued, she hate Shawn. Well, not her so much but hated that they even argue. Last night's argument, which took place at the club, led to Shawn not waking up beside Janet in bed this morning. Instead, she spent the night with the other dancers at a different hotel.

In all reality, Janet should've been the dramatic one considering what took place. In public, Shawn isn't seen as Janet's girlfriend. She is, but the photo ops, the public affection, and everything along those lines, they don't do. Janet has an image to keep in tact, and that doesn't include announcing to the world that sleeps with and dates women. Plus, even if that wasn't a factor, she's not out to her family nor does she reveal the private details of her life. When you have a public life, you try to keep as much to yourself as possible. Shawn doesn't get any of that.

So, last night, Shawn's reaction to the argument, about not showing her PDA, was to direct that attention and affection to Tina, the head choreographer.

Now, Janet is not necessarily threatened by Tina; she is one of Janet's good friends and an essential part of the team. The problem is that nobody knows that Shawnette and Janet are dating, so when she goes and flirts with women, they aren't thinking "I'm disrespecting Janet," they are just getting the attention of another beautiful woman.

Shawn showing other women affection drives Janet crazy, and being crazy is not something Janet is ashamed of. Because, it may come across as  possessive crazy, but it's passion that comes across as crazy. So, when Shawn's response to her passion is, "It's not like we can publicly claim each other," it upsets her.

There will come a time when Janet will share her private, intimate life details. Now isn't that time. There's a thousand other things going on, like the tour they're in the middle of, The Velvet Rope Tour.

Still Janet couldn't let last night affect today. There's the world to please, even if her girlfriend can't please her. The world goes on, and today is a busy day. Janet's schedule today wasn't light by any means. She had rehearsal, then an interview, then a show, which was all back to back. Her drama with Shawnette was on the back burner today.

She got up for the day and took care of her hygiene with the same routine as every other day. Shower, brush her teeth, look in the mirror and remind herself she's beautiful... twice. Janet isn't unfamiliar with a dark thought here or there. She's constantly judged by the media, by fans, by her trainer, by the haters, by everyone. She just had to work twice as hard to keep positive energy and thoughts. Especially on days like today.

Her hair was a problem for the stylists today, thankfully. It looked like she rolled right out of bed, which she technically did. Red curls all dry and going in every directions. She settled on dampening it and just going for a classic bun before getting dressed.

Nobody told me Washington was so cold. My slow
ass thought California and Washington had similar weather, but Washington is literally frozen over. At least compared to California.

I called Joey and Chuck to inform them I was ready to go. It'd take Joey, my bodyguard, five minutes to get here and Chuck, my driver, ten. I jogged down the stairs and saw Bullwinkle by his bowl.

"Awe, I'm sorry, baby. I forgot I gave Marie the day off yesterday." I said kneeling and petting him. My
on-the-road maid had a family emergency and left yesterday morning which was the last time my dog got fed.

I poured some food into his bowl, more than enough considering I wouldn't be back until nearly sunrise.

I heard the doorbell ring but ignored it. Joey has a key. "Five, four, three, two..."

"Sorry, JJ, I forgot I had the key." Joey said upon entering.

"It's okay, Jo." I giggled.

He entered the kitchen where I was drinking a bottle of water and eating a granola bar. "Granola again?" He asked as we hugged.

"Yeah, I woke up kinda late."

"Why is that?" He asked. People don't know this but Joey is very nosy and loves gossip. He's worst than Gil, my best friend.


"Her again? She is gaining some temper. What happened?"

"The same ole bullshit. She wants to be public but I don't nor do I have the time for all that." I answered.

I looked down seeing Chuck calling. "I'm coming out, Chucky." I said into the phone before hanging up.

"So where is Shawn?" Joey asked on our way out.

"I don't know. What I do know is if she isn't at rehearsal, I will beat the shit out of her."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hey, boss lady." The kids said as I walked in the studio.

"Hi, kids." I said mentally scanning for Shawn. "Where is Shawnette?" I asked.

Nobody answered me which irritated me. "Where is Shaw—"

"I'm right here. What's up?" She asked. She gave me such an innocent and professional look rather than the seductive, dirty looks I prefer.

"Shawn, back room."

"No thanks. Let's get to practice. The beautiful Tina has been waiting for you." She sassed.

The other Kids picked up on her sass as well but started stretching instead of actually engaging.

As practice went on, I kept instinctively looking at Shawnette. And she was purposely staring down Tina. I think the steam blowing out my ears was obvious because Tina told everyone to take five.

"Bitch, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Gil asked as he followed me to the bathroom.

I felt tears running down my face. "It's her. She is purposely trying to upset me and it's working." I was starting to hyperventilate and it was freaking Gil out.

He quickly pulled me into a hug where I broke down on his shoulder. "Dunk, it's okay." He said as he rubbed down my back. I just cried the rest of our five minutes left before Nicky called us back.

"Are you going to be okay?" Gil asked holding my face in his hands. I nodded and let him go so I could clean my face.

I walked back in and finished rehearsal with my head down the whole time. I ignored Shawn and just went through the routine as perfectly as I could so I didn't have Tina correcting me, just the Kids.

After the rehearsal, I gathered my bags and on my way out, I spotted Shawn flirting with Tina. I felt tears coming to my eyes so I sped out with Joey on my tail.

Before I got to the car, I felt a hand pull me towards a body. It was Shawn. "Are you okay?" She asked with the most obnoxious grin.

I scoffed and snatched my arm from her. "Do not come home tonight. We're done." I stated.

I got in the car with Joey, who generously let me cry on his shoulder. I went to the interview which was over the radio so my puffy face wasn't seen thankfully. Then we went to the concert.

I stayed to myself in the dressing room and just watched as people went in and out. I signed some papers, answered some questions, and did hair and makeup for the first set.

There was a knock on the door which I allowed. "Miss Jackson, you have a bouquet of roses. Here's the card."

I'm sorry. I love you. S.

I thanked the deliverer and waited until he left to grab a pair of scissors from my drawer. I got a plastic bag and started cutting up the roses. I cut them all into shreds and tied the bag.

"Martha. Drop this off at Shawn's vanity." I said before heading to the stage. I had to stay clear of any distractions for the fans to enjoy this performance.

I stood ready for Velvet Rope to start.

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