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Kelly, Shawn, Tish, Gil, Nicky, and I were all sitting at my dining table enjoying each other's company after not all being in the same room in years.

I didn't even know Tish had a baby. A beautiful boy named Abram. Now there were 3 OG kids. Abram, Shai, and Kamiya, Kelly's little girl.

"I cannot believe you two ended up together." Nicky said with the agreement of Tish. "I always thought it was a fling." Tish added.

"Me too." Shawn said. I popped her thigh at her comment.

"Well, thanks babe for your assurance of our consistency in this relationship." I laughed. "I, for one, always knew we'd make it somewhere. Not pregnant and engaged with a four year old but she's been my heart. Always was, just took some ass kicking to get there."

Shawn pouted, "Aw, sugar. I love you." She leaned for a kiss which I granted. "You've been the apple of my eye since we met."

"Gross motherfuckers." Tish mumbled.

"Y'all see what I deal with all the damn days." Gil mumbled back.

Shawn and I chuckled. "Fuck y'all." Shawn said.

I peeked over my shoulder to see what Shai was up to, and he was playing with Abram and messing with Kamiya in her walker.

"Shai Elijah, stop picking at your godsister please."

"Mama, she is pretty. I like her." He said.

"I know she is pretty, baby, but you are going to upset her if you keep poking at her

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"I know she is pretty, baby, but you are going to upset her if you keep poking at her. She needs her personal bubble." I said.

"Remember at school, the teacher said everyone needs what?" Shawn asked.

"Their own space." He pouted.

I can tell he is going to be a fantastic big brother. He is very attentive and caring and loving. Now whether the baby will like him as much, that remains to be seen.

"So is it a boy or girl?" Kelly asked.

I looked at Shawn after realizing we hadn't shared that news yet. "We both have dangerous mommy brain, how did we forget to share?" I asked her.

Shawn sighed, "Listen my back hurts too much for all this remembering. I forgot we even knew."

Another vacation may be needed.

"It's a little girl." I smiled as everyone cooed.

"Jan! That's amazing." Kelly cheered. "Miya is gonna have a best friend."

"Congrats, J and Shawn."

Gil stoof with his glass of wine and danced around the chair he sat in. "Finally! I been waiting for a little ass Janet around this bitch." I chuckled.

I never really wanted a daughter, truthfully. I wouldn't know how to raise one and this world treats women like shit so I never urged for a girl. However, knowing that I have Shawn with me on this journey makes it all better. With her, I know we can raise a little girl to be the best human being possible.

"Any names?" Tish asked. "We know Janet not traditional."

I stuck my tongue out at her as Shawn answered, "Gil liked Leilani from before, I like Harley, and Janet's weird ass likes... I don't even wanna say it."

"It's not bad, and Shai's name isn't uncommon. It's beautiful for a little boy." I defended myself.

"Oh no, Shai's name is wonderful. I mean the other names on your list that you shared with us during tour at girls nigh—"

"Aht! Girls night rules."

Tish threw hands up. "Sorry, sorry. However, I like Leilani as well." She said.

"Same." Nicky and Kelly said.

"Leilani Jackson." I said more to myself. Not feeling it. Something about us bringing life into this world excited me in the moment more than I'd been about everything. "Shawn, let's get married." I blurt aloud.

"We are getting married baby. Hence the ring."

"No, I mean let's set a date this month. I want to be your wife. I truly don't want to wait another day, let alone months." I turned to the girls, "Wanna be my bridesmaids?"

"Duh." They simultaneously said.

"Keish, man of honor?"

"Well, I wasn't gonna sit in the congregation with all those regulars. Obviously!"

We all got very excited and the conversation flooded over with plans and dates and everything you could think of.



She turned to me, as our friends' voices filled the background. "Yeah? You okay?" She asked. She is always making sure I'm okay.

"You and me forever. I love you for real."

She blushed before tucking hair behind her ears. "Love you longtime, babe." She replied. I pecked her lips and smiled. She pulled me up from my seat and sat me in her lap.

"You know, when you pop out my baby, we should go MIA again. Take the time out just for you and the baby and the family." She said making me raise my brows.

"Oh so now you want to go? Last time, I had to drag your ass." I chuckled.

"Well it was a damn good vacation."

I wrapped my arms around her neck. "I'd love to go anywhere with you. After the baby." I agreed.

"After lil' baby Ocean."

"Oh my goodness gracious, baby, we are not naming this child Ocean Jackson. No."

"Well why not?" She pouted.

"Because I'm Daddy, and I said no."

"Show me."


"Show me that you're Daddy." She smirked.

I laughed and looked around the room assuring the others were still consumed in conversation before turning back. "Damita Jo, I don't know what you think I can and can't do with this tummy of mine, howe—"

"I think you can do anything possible. Like..." She landed a finger behind my ear, and traced it to my chin. "Tying me up." She said as she pulled me into a kiss.

Her finger continued down my shoulder. "Using those beautiful fingers down in this soaking we– well, you know." She whispered against my skin.

Our fingers interlocked. "And rubbing your wetness against mine. All. Night. Long."


"Wanna go upstairs?" She asked.

"Uh, yea. Yeah I-I do."

We both stood up and she headed towards the stairs leaving me standing in the same spot. "Where is Janet going?" Gil asked.

I turned to them. "Get out, now. Gil put Shai to bed for us then leave. Please. I love you guys, good fucking night." I hinted.

I went up the stairs as fast as possible. I was finna jump this girl's bones tonight.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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