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In the very moment Janet told me she kissed Q-Tip, I felt like I was going to die.

"You kissed him?"

"I did, but I know now that it meant nothing." She pleaded.

I was stunned. I know I can be a piece of work but for her to cheat on me... That's sick.

"Janet, I'll see you at the show." I said before walking off. I heard her calling after me, but my mind was crowded.

I hopped on the bus with the rest of the kids, and all eyes were on me. "You okay, Shawn?" Tish asked.

I nodded and went to my bed. I didn't even want to be awake. I knew she felt a way about our relationship being public, but I didn't think she would completely hide the fact we are together and go find someone to be with in the public eye.

Just as I drifted into sleep, I felt someone shaking my arm. I opened my eyes to Gil, who looked concerned.

"Not now, Gil. I know she told you, and I don't need you here to tell me how sorry she is."

"I'm not here because of that. I'm here to apologize. I knew that she kissed him but she told me she would tell you, not use it to hurt you."

I rolled over, away from him. "I don't care anymore."

There was a long moment of silence but I knew he was still there looking at me. I just went to sleep trying not to cry.

At the show...

Watching Janet prance around the stage was torturous. I didn't want to be anywhere near her, the sight of her made me sick.

During the part of the show between I Get Lonely and Rope Burn, I hinted to Nikki to switch with me. She was a substitute in case Tina or I weren't feeling good and right now, I feel at my worst.

As I made my way off stage with Kelly, I could tell the whole crew was worried about me. Everyone knows I never skip out on Rope Burn.

"You okay?" Gil asked as he caught up with me on the way to the dressing room. "Shawn."

"Gil, I am fine. I just feel like shit right now and want to be left alone." I begged.

"She really hurt you."

I felt tears in rolling down my face. "Gil, she is my everything. Was. Was my everything. Tell her I'm done." I said.

I got into the room and started packing my things.

"Done? Shawny, you can't just quit in the middle of a show in the middle of the tour." He said. "You love to dance and you have a contract."

"Tell her to shove that contract up her ass. I quit."

I zipped my suitcase and put on my jacket. I rolled it out to the outside of the venue quickly knowing Gil wouldn't leave the show to chase after me.

I called a cab and went to the airport. I needed a vacation, a break, to clear my mind. I couldn't handle all that's gone on.


"Thank you, Cape Town! I love you!" I said as the curtains closed.

I joined everyone backstage as they were all jumping and cheering about the show. Not for long though. Things got really serious when Tina realized Shawn had disappeared.

"Why did Shawn skip out on the last counts? Where is she? She knows I hate flaking." Tina growled.

"She probably felt sick." Nikki said.

"Let's go find her." The kids left, all except Gil, who came closer to me.

"She left." He whispered.

"What the fuck do you mean? Left where?"

He shrugged.

"Gil, where did she go? When did she leave? Is she okay?"

"I don't know, Dunk. She just said she was done, so whatever happened between you guys earlier is burning one hell of a bridge." He said before walking away.

I pulled out my phone and called her, but she sent me to voicemail by the second ring. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I sighed as I paced the room.

I ran to find Gil. He must have an idea of where she went and a better idea of why. I know I fucked up but regardless of me, she loves dancing. She wouldn't just up and leave it behind even if I'm here.

All the kids were around, but I didn't care. "Gil, where could she have gone?" I asked frantically. "I need to get to her."

"She could've went home but I doubt it. That's all the way in Arizona. Plus, her and her family don't always get along." He said.

I looked at the other kids for answers. "She could've went to the cabin. She has one in Vermont." Tina said. "That's far too, but she does clear her mind there a lot."

"Or your beach house." Kelly said.

"No, no. The beach house is under renovation, she knows that. Where is that cabin you said, T?" I asked.

"It's in Vermont, uh, Waterford."

I cursed myself out in my head. I was praying she really didn't take a 16 hour flight to go to Vermont. I looked at Gil and by the look on his face, he had a feeling that was definitely where she went. I hinted for him to come with me because I couldn't make that long flight with just Joey.

"Kids, I'm gonna postpone tomorrow's show to next week some time. I'll leave you guys the sprinter so go crazy but please, please be back for practice on Monday. Yes?"

I heard yeses all across before Gil joined me on my way out. "We are seriously going to Vermont?"

"Hell yeah, I'm getting my girlfriend back."
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